Simple Tips to Be a Better Mom
Being a mom takes up a lot of our life. It’s a lifelong commitment with little to no training. It’s truly a role that we learn and adjust to as we go. You’re constantly learning and growing as you raise your children. And while every child is different, there are many ways to be the best mom possible for your kids.
Babies need a lot of care and attention from their parents. But what about when they grow older? What should you do then? How can you be the best mom for your kids?
It’s a growing process. As our children enter different stages, we continue to grow, shift and adjust as their parent.
That’s why today’s affirmation is one of my favorites:
Every day, in all aspects, I’m improving to be
the best mother my children need me to be.

Seven Simple Tips for Being a Better Mom
Just as any other role in our lives, we are continuosly growing and learning how to be what we need to be in that moment. Motherhood definitely knows how to throw some curveballs our way. Which is why it’s important to remove the expectation of perfection and just focus on being the best you can in that moment for your children.
Here are some tips that have helped me over the years and the different stages of motherhood I’ve experienced:
1. Respect your children’s boundaries. Children need to know that they are respected and safe in their home, and parents need to be good examples of this.
2. Be honest with them about what you can’t do for them or help them with. This is an important part of teaching your children how to problem solve on their own and be independent.
3. Take time for yourself, even when it’s just a few minutes a day, so that you can have the energy to take care of your kids without feeling overwhelmed or resentful.
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4. Encourage independence in your children by giving them responsibilities and letting them make decisions as much as possible – even if they’re not always perfect!
5. Make time for fun together: play games, read books, do arts and crafts, go bowling.
6. Show them that they’re not in charge of your happiness and don’t have to make you happy.
7. Talk through problems with your children and help them explore their solutions before implementing them into their lives, so that they don’t feel like you are just doing what they say to avoid confrontation or because you’ve already made up your mind.

30 Days of Affirmations for Moms Raising Teen Sons
Affirmations for Moms Raising Teenage Sons
The importance of affirmations for moms raising tween and teenage sons
Day 1: It’s okay to take care of you first!
It’s okay to take care of me first, so I can show up as the mother my son needs.
Day 2: I do not expect to be a perfect mother
I do not expect to be a perfect mother for my son.
Day 3: Support Systems for Our Sons
I have people in my life who are ready and able to help with my son when needed.
Day 4: Communication Tips
I create an environment that is open for communication, and practice active listening with my son.