Lighten Your Mental Load by Amy Thornton

Lighten Your Mental Load shares real stories of what carrying a mental load is like for both men and women across the globe and how it originated.

a quick chat with the author:

Amy Thornton has been battling the mental load for over 29 years. She took some time out of her schedule to chat with us about the inspiration behind her newest book.

[Tweet “Want to know the inspiration behind @authorthornton’s newest #selfhelp book: LIGHTEN YOUR MENTAL LOAD? Read all about and get the details on her new #nonfiction #selfhelp release. @iReadBookTours”]

Author Interview with Amy Thornton learn the inspiration behind her newest self help release, Lighten Your Mental Load

Amy, what made you write a book about lightening the mental load?

I was first introduced to the term “mental load” thanks to the French cartoonist, Emma, back in 2017. When I saw her brilliant drawings and dialogue about what so many women are carrying these days, I felt both anger and relief! Anger because the world still expects women to manage both home AND work responsibilities mostly by themselves. Relief because someone FINALLY came up with a term for what millions of women are carrying mentally, physically, and emotionally every day.

Previously, I had been handling the mental load fairly well. But then my mother moved to an assisted living facility five minutes from my home in December of 2016. Suddenly I was in the “sandwich generation” – taking care of my home, family, and work and my elderly parent. Suddenly I couldn’t continue the juggling act anymore!

When I tried to find a book about how to handle it all, I discovered many articles, but not one comprehensive self-help guide. I thought, “Wait a minute… I can write one!” Thus, How to Lighten Your Mental Load was born.

I hope that this book helps women around the globe decrease their mental labor to be the best versions of themselves. I know the mental load affects some men, but let’s face it – most people carrying it are women.

Do you have another profession besides writing?

In addition to being an author, I’m a grant consultant. I help various non-profits look and apply for grant opportunities. I’ve been a grant professional for over 18 years now and love it. I get to use my writing skills every day!

What genre do you write and why?

 Lately it’s been self-help, which is kind of funny to me because I fell into it by accident! I signed up for a course on how to get your book published in the summer of 2017.  I had written novels in the past that had been self-published. I wanted to connect with a real publisher that year.

Right before the course started, I realized it was for non-fiction writers! I could have gotten my money back and not taken the course, but while walking my dogs one evening, the idea for Joy to You and Me! (At Work) popped into my head. I took the course, wrote the book, and was picked up by my publisher, Tell-Tale Publishing, in early 2018.

What is your next project?

 My next project will be a compilation of articles from my column, “Sandwiched” which has run in our local newspaper for 18 months now. It will help those of us in the sandwich generation with helpful tips, information, and stories to help us all feel not so alone. The average caregiver is a 49-year-old woman who works and takes care of her family and at least one elderly parent. That’s me exactly!

Thank you Amy for taking the time out to share with my community! Here are all the details on her new book, Lighten Your Mental Load.

Book Details:

Book TitleLighten Your Mental Load by Amy Thornton
Category:  Adult non-fiction, 129 pages
Genre:  Self-Help
Publisher:  Tell-Tale Publishing
Release date:   January, 2020
Tour dates: Apr 13 to May 1, 2020
Content Rating:  PG: The author uses occasional mild swear words in the book.

Book Description:

Quick Note: This post includes affiliate links.

Mental labor, or the mental load, involves the many — and extremely varied — tasks that are involved in managing a household and/or workplace. This topic has exploded over the past couple of years, especially for women. As stated in an October 2017 Washington Post article, “The constant stress of trying to stay organized — and to remember to execute so many tasks every single day — is affecting women’s relationships with their spouses, children, friends, and colleagues. They are experiencing mental, emotional, and physical fatigue trying to stay on top of it all.”

It offers practical advice on how to lighten this burden through technology and other methods in the following areas:

• Home
• Shopping and Meals
• Marriage/Partners
• Children
• Pets
• Transportation
• Career
• Birthdays, Celebrations, Holidays, and Vacations
Volunteering, Church Activities, and Hobbies
• Caregiving
• Retirement

Finally, the book discusses ways to not add to the mental load of others and how we can more evenly distribute the mental labor between both sexes for future generations.

[Tweet “Experiencing mental, emotional, & physical fatigue trying to stay on top of it all? Learn how to lighten your mental burden in @authorthornton’s newest #selfhelp book: LIGHTEN YOUR MENTAL LOAD. #nonfiction @iReadBookTours”]


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 Meet the Author:  

Amy Thornton Shankland, GPC, has been battling the mental load for over 29 years. She is a former Dale Carnegie instructor, has been a grant professional for 18 years, is a columnist for the Hamilton County
Reporter in Central Indiana, and a wife and mother. She also published Joy to You and Me (At Work!) in 2018 through Tell-Tale Publishing.


Connect with the Author:  website ~ facebook ~ twitter


Tour Schedule of Lighten Your Mental Load:

April 13 – Working Mommy Journal – book spotlight / giveaway
April 13 – Over Coffee Conversations – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
April 13 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
April 14 – Reading Authors Network – book spotlight / giveaway
April 14 – A Mama’s Corner of the World – book spotlight / giveaway
April 15 – Karma Readz – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
April 15 –100 Pages A Day – book spotlight / giveaway
April 16 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / giveaway
April 17 – Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
April 17 – T’s Stuff – book spotlight / giveaway
April 20 – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway
April 20 – Books for Books – book spotlight
April 21 – Laura’s Interests – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
April 22 – The avid reader – book spotlight / giveaway
April 22 –Pickagoodbook – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
April 23 – Mowgli with a book – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
April 24 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
April 24 – eBook Addicts – book spotlight / giveaway
April 27 – DZA’s Blog (at ) – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
April 28 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
April 28 – Olio by Marilyn – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
April 29 – Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
April 29 – Divas With A Purpose – book spotlight / author interview
April 30 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
April 30 – Sefina Hawke’s Books – book spotlight
May 1 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
May 1 – Seaside Book Nook – book spotlight / giveaway

[Tweet “The stress of trying to stay on top of it all affects your relationships. Learn how to lighten your mental burden in @authorthornton’s newest #selfhelp book: LIGHTEN YOUR MENTAL LOAD. #nonfiction @iReadBookTours”]

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