Kick Start Your Week With A Few Simple Steps
Monday’s get a bad wrap by many. I’ll let you in on a random fact about me. I absolutely love Mondays. It used to drive my co-workers absolutely batty sometimes when I came to work so happy bright and early on a Monday morning.
Here’s the deal – I believe when you start off on a low-note it makes it so much harder to get to that high-note. Why not just start off on a positive and stay there?
Now I understand that many have valid reasons to dislike the start of the work week. Let’s touch on that first.
Job Dissatisfaction
The majority of us have to work. We need the income to sustain our households. If you absolutely dread Mondays because you dislike your job – it’s time to start working on a plan of change.
- Is talking to management an option? Perhaps a change in duties, cross-training in another department, or additional (or less) responsibilities is necessary.
- If management or the company structure is the problem, then it may be time to really do some soul-searching and revamp your resume’.
When you’re truly unhappy at a job, no matter how hard you try to hide it, it’s evident – to your co-workers and management. In my management roles, I tried my hardest to keep an open door policy and whatever was said in my office stayed there (unless I was required by law to report it – and, yes, I always gave the disclaimer). There were employees I encouraged to find work elsewhere. Your low morale impacts your work even when you think it doesn’t and the morale of those that work with you. Dissatisfaction at work depends on the person. Some people are motivated by salary and incentives. Some are motivated with passion and achievements. If you’re the logical type who loves coding and software development, you may want to pursue a career in tech. The average salary of a software engineer is quite higher compared to jobs that involves clerical work.
Life is too short to give at least 40 hours a week to an activity that brings you no joy or satisfaction at all.
Ways To Kick Start Your Week
- Work-Life Balance: Do you wake up on Monday mornings with a list of regrets of all the things you should have done throughout the weekend but didn’t do because you were working – either from home or the office? Or did you give your attention to tasks and activities that didn’t truly bring you enjoyment? Having work-life balance is essential to having a great work week. Evaluate what you’re giving your time and energy to and compare it to what you’d rather be giving your time and energies to – make changes where you can. You may need to eliminate or scale back on some commitments or responsibilities.
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- Evaluate Your Attitude: Let’s admit it. Sometimes we just have sucky attitudes. Do we hate Mondays because it’s Monday? (Kinda like how I hated asparagus because it was asparagus and that’s just what you do, but when I finally gave it a try – oh. my. goodness! scrumptiousness!) Determine if you need to do an attitude adjustment and give Monday a chance. Start off with a positive attitude and smile your way through it.
- Establish A Monday Routine: Perhaps doing something extra special for yourself will help. Prepare a special Monday breakfast the night before. Play your all-time favorite get up and dance song to get your mind right while getting dressed. Have your alarm go off a little earlier to give you time to prepare for the week. Get everything you need for the week or day laid out on Saturday or Sunday so you have more time on Monday morning. There are tons of things you can do that will make Monday start off on a better foot.
- Set Weekly Goals and Action Items. Have the last thing you do on Sunday (or the first thing you do on Monday) be to set your goals and action items for the week. Get motivated by focusing on your S.M.A.R.T. goals and realizing that being more productive and pleasant will help you accomplish more.
Download our S.M.A.R.T. Goals Worksheets here
- Start the Day With Gratitude…and continue throughout the day. When you wake up, list out loud what you’re thankful for. Continue this practice at least 2-3 more times throughout the day.
- Avoid Mood Busters. Are there certain things that cause you irritation or bring you down – perhaps a co-worker with a bad attitude or a social media pal that’s always blah? Avoid them first thing in the mornings. Instead focus on positive and uplifting things. Search out the hashtag #MondayMotivation, read a positive website or blog, or listen to a motivating podcast.
- Get Moving and Eat A Healthy Breakfast. Whether it’s a full work-out, a few jump-n-jacks, or yoga. Exercise helps you stay healthy and combat stress. Also, having a meal in the morning helps keep you energized and upbeat throughout the day. Also, make sure you snack healthily throughout the day and don’t skip lunch.\
- Have a Glass of Water. Stay hydrated. There are so many health and mood benefits for being hydrated. Just do it. It makes a difference. I promise.
Let’s Talk About It:
How do you tackle the beginning of your week?
Rochkirstin Santos says
To set priorities, I have a to-do list that I update daily at the start of the day and before I go out of the office. Finding work-life balance is really essential to keep your sanity. Staying hydrated is very important.
Lisa @Bitesforbabies says
I used to prefer NOT doing a lot on the weekend, only because I feel like I needed to rest as much as possible. Now with kids I hardly ever rest anyway so I make it a point to book up my weekends as much as possible.
the crunchy mommy says
I try and prepare for my Monday and week on Sundays. I’m into bullet journaling and get a list of things that need to get done together. Then as the week goes, I fit in what I have to do. Being able to cross out tasks throughout the week makes me feel way better.
Censie 'Mumby' Sawyer says
Great tips. I must admit – I had a case of the mondays today. It made for a long day. I need to remember these tips you listed when I start my day tomorrow.
Jamie H says
I think it’s awesome that you enjoy Mondays! I can’t imagine how it could bug your co-workers– I know I’d much rather be around someone positive than someone who’s always bringing everyone down! Thanks for the great tips!
Christi says
This is a great list of tips! Mondays can be downright ROUGH. It’s so smart to have a gameplan and focused actions you can take to really get your week off to a good start!
Jenn Padgett says
Great list of tips. You are not kidding though, sometimes my Mondays are the worst. The mornings can be so challenging. I try really hard to get things done so Monday evenings are my relaxing time. Though it hardly works out as planned.
PennyPincherJenny says
Oh my gosh Mondays can be so rough in my house! I love these ideas for getting your week of to a right start. I know planning out my week can make all the difference for how the week goes.
Kita says
I try to start my Monday’s off with getting to the nitty gritty of setting up my calendar for the week and making sure that I Get things done. I love Monday’s but it’s probably because I work for myself if I had to go to work for others…I don’t know Monday’s may get me a little down I would need more than water lol. Great list!
Michelle D. Johnson Garrett says
My Mondays are definitely a lot different now that I work for myself. I don’t do as much “work-work” on Mondays but focus on the housework and cleaning that didn’t get done on the weekend because we were out and about.
kentuckygal50 says
These tips would look great on a graphic!
MrsTee says
Love These!! I truly believe how you start your day as a major impact on how you end it..thanks so much for sharing this with us over at Mommy Monday – #MMBH
Michelle Garrett says
You’re welcome! Thank you for featuring our article. Great way to start the week!
Alisha (@Coily_Locks) says
I am loving all these ways to start off the week!!! Now that school is back in session I can finally get my weekly work week some mojo back on!