Are you wanting to start a gratitude journal?
There’s no wrong way to handle your gratitude journal. There are good practices that will help you start a gratitude journal that you’ll use. These days we live such busy lives that we neglect to feel grateful for the little moments.
The little moments like having your child sit down to hear you read a book, or your teenager asking for advice. Perhaps your little moment of the day is as simple as your spouse doing the dishes. We all have little moments during the day or week that make us feel grateful.
What is a gratitude journal?
A gratitude journal is a notebook, Word document, or diary-style journal. This journal is meant to be a place where you spend at least 15 minutes three times per week writing down 4-5 things you’re grateful for. A gratitude journal is meant to help you on your happiness journey to feel less anxious and stress during your daily life.
How to get Started with yours
To start a gratitude journal you’ll need a notebook, Word document, blog site, or diary-style journal. Figure out which type of gratitude journal will work for you before starting. (affiliate link) Some people prefer a guided gratitude journal that provides daily prompts, while others enjoy having the creativity left in their hands.
Once you have your gratitude journal, notebook, document, or whatnot ready to write in, you’ll proceed with the following steps.
Commit Your Time
Commit to writing 4-5 things you’re grateful for in the journal at least three times per week. If you must add this to your daily to-do list, then do it! You’ll need to be committed to giving this a try for a gratitude journal to help you.
Be Specific
Get as specific as possible with each of your gratitude journal entries. Try to describe the occurrence, the feeling you had, and how the room or area smelt, how the situation made you feel, what you were thinking. Dig deep into your soul to be as descriptive and specific as possible to spark those happy feelings while you write your daily entry.
Get Personal in Your Gratitude journal
While receiving something or getting something is surely a moment to feel gratitude, try to get personal with some of your daily and weekly examples in the journal. Your gratitude journal is a stepping stone towards you showing appreciation and feeling gratitude towards people in your life so you can be a happier person. Try to find references to specific people who did something to make your life easier.
Revisit Negative Outcomes Avoided
Your gratitude journal is more than just focusing on the things or acts of kindness you received. This journal can serve as your place to celebrate self-gratitude for avoiding a negative person, or situation that wouldn’t improve your wellbeing. Be sure to revisit negative outcomes you avoided in your gratitude journal writing so you can boost your self-esteem during this process, too.
Hone in the Thoughts
Lastly, you’ll want to hone in your thoughts to be more specific. For instance, you may be grateful for your children every day or your partner, but what is it about them that makes you grateful for them. These people or that person may not have “done” anything in particular but perhaps their smile or their sparkling personality is what you’re grateful for today. Take note of this in your journal when you find you’re revisiting the same person or events in your journal each week.
Using these tips to start and use your gratitude journal will help you feel happier within just two weeks. The key is to make sure you’re committing to writing in your gratitude journal for at least 15 minutes during each session. This will give your mind time to be specific and detailed with each entry.
In conclusion, when you start a gratitude journal you can help reduce stress and improve your attitude of gratitude. It’s important not to overdo it. Research has shown that writing regularly in your gratitude journal 1-3 times per week is all that’s needed to make a positive impact on your mindset and in your life.
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