Spring has officially sprung. I know in many areas it doesn’t feel like Spring, but it’s here and it is time to embrace it with all of its awesomeness.
Spring is one of my favorite seasons because it represents newness and rebirth. It is a reminder each year that we are all growing and birthing new projects and ideas. Change is not always easy but it is often necessary and needed. This life’s journey that we are all on will involve the need to adapt and shift along the way.
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Each year, Spring is a reminder of that for me. As a woman, I realize that each year brings on changes and shifts within me – physically, mentally and emotionally. Some I give absolute side-eye to but for those that are a part of life’s cycle, I embrace them and give thanks for another year of being able to walk this Earth. After attending three funerals last year of Divas that were within five years of me, I know that life is a precious gift. As a business owner, it is absolutely necessary for me to be ready to not only evolve but often be ahead of the changes within my niche. As an early adapter, I am able to be viewed as innovative and an expert in the areas that others may be wary of breaking into.
6 Things to Focus on Within Your Business This Spring
Self care will always be at the top of my list – whether personal or professional. It is essential that we remember to take care of ourselves on a regular basis. This covers all areas of our well-being. I encourage you to take some time off this Spring (hello Spring Break!); re-evaluate your work hours; and look into ways to outsource and delegate the tasks that you have on your plate so that you can spring into action and revive your goals.
In the blogging world, pitching is a must for many of us. Blogger or not, it is essential to actively search out income generating opportunities for your business. I challenge you to make this a habit every day you’re working within your business. Rather than waiting for income to come to you, complete at least one income generating task each day.
This is one area that I have definitely slacked off in over the past year or so and I can tell a difference in my thoughts and actions. Whether it’s a book, business website or magazine, consuming information about business and your industry is important. It helps to keep you connected, educated, growing and current with trends that impact your business. You can find (and purchase) some of the books I enjoy reading here on Amazon (affiliate link).
Investing in Yourself
How can we expect others to invest in us, if we are not willing to do the same? Continuous learning and training is essential to providing the best services we can within our business. Whether it is with a coach, online and in-person courses or getting additional training, we should never stop finding ways to learn new things and expanding our knowledge.
I’ll be honest, networking events used to stress me out. The idea of going into a room and engaging with so many people would send my introverted self into turmoil. As my business grew and I looked at the benefit to me personally and professionally, it began getting easier. Learning ways to talk about myself and listen to others, their needs and determining if we could / should work together in some capacity helped tremendously. This Spring I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and find ways to connect and network with other business owners in your community.
Giving back to others
I believe in the importance of sowing into others without any expectations. This is a part of my faith and belief system. It has truly made a difference in my life – personally and professionally – and helped to remove angst and agitation when it may seem like others are “picking my brain”. Knowing that I regularly give free information and offer my assistance to others helps me to charge my worth and direct those who are unable to afford my fees to areas they can connect with me and still get value. There’s something about giving that opens you up to receive. I challenge you to be intentional about your giving this Spring and see how it makes a difference in other areas of your life.
There you have it – 6 things to help you S.P.R.I.N.G. into success and be intentional with your time and actions this season.
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