Reviving Your Goals
Let’s be real with each other for a moment, Divas…anyone else hitting any ruts with the goals they set up for the year? There are some goals that I’m rocking and rolling with and others…well, others that I had to really ask myself and reflect on…
How does goal-planning fail?
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The following reasons immediately came to mind when I reflected on the goals I have struggled with the most in the past and what often comes up in my accountability group:
1 – We Stop Trying
Life attacks us from all angles and we just quit – quit trying, quit striving, quit being – and settle for what we have. We resign with life as it as and tell ourselves that this is just how things are meant to be.
Goal planning is a powerful tool for achieving our dreams and aspirations. It helps us prioritize, track progress, and stay motivated. However, even the most well-intentioned plans can fall short when we stop trying and resign ourselves to what we have being enough. This mindset not only limits our potential, but also hinders our personal growth.
If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry – it’s never too late to revive your goals! First, take some time to reflect on why you stopped pursuing them in the first place. Did life get in the way? Did you encounter unexpected obstacles? Or did you simply lose interest? Once you identify the root cause of your setback, you can start taking steps to overcome it.
Next, revisit your goals with fresh eyes and a positive attitude. Make sure they are still relevant and meaningful to you, and adjust them if necessary.
2 – Fear
Yep. The dreaded F bomb. The question is … do you fear failing or do you fear succeeding? For some it’s an issue of belief in self. Do you believe you can attain the goals you have set for yourself? Do you believe once you succeed you will be able to handle the responsibility and roles that come along with your goals? Face your fears head on and have a “get real Diva” talk with yourself to determine how “me, myself, and I” can work together to help the team.
Goal planning is something that many of us do at the beginning of a new year or when we feel stuck in life. However, despite our best intentions, most of these plans tend to fall short over time.
For some people, the fear of failing to achieve their goals can be paralyzing. They may worry about what others will think if they don’t succeed or feel like they’re not good enough to make it happen. For others, the fear of actually achieving their goals can be even more daunting. Success comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities, and sometimes people are afraid that they won’t be able to handle them.
Remember: Whatever your fears may be, it’s important to acknowledge them and work through them so you can revive your goals.

3 – Not Fully Understanding How to Set Goals
Saying you want it to happen is great. Writing it down is even better. However, that’s not where it ends. Some people believe that’s all that is needed to set a goal and the rest will happen on its own. Goals are not a to-do list for life where items are checked off and never revisited. They are a working, breathing way of living. Your goals should be part of your daily focus. Will doing XYZ help me attain my goals or will it actually set me back?
To revive your goals and make them achievable, it’s essential to start with a clear vision of what you want to achieve. This involves identifying both short-term and long-term goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. By using the SMART framework for goal setting, you’ll have a roadmap for success that is both realistic and attainable.
Another key factor in successful goal planning is accountability. When we share our goals with others or hold ourselves accountable through tracking progress, we increase our chances of success significantly.
Because A Change is Not Wanted
You don’t change because you don’t want. Some people really are complacent with being where they are. No matter how unproductive that place is. Many of us don’t understand it, but the reality is a person will not make a change until they are ready and committed to making a difference in their lives.
Setting goals is an essential step in achieving success, yet we often fall short of reaching them. Why? Many times, it’s not because we lack the ability or resources but rather the determination to make our goals a reality. We set our sights high and imagine what life would be like once we’ve achieved them, but when it comes down to putting in the work, we find ourselves lacking.
It’s crucial to understand that goal planning is more than just writing down a few ideas on a piece of paper. It requires commitment and dedication to make progress every day towards your objectives. However, many people don’t want their goals to work because they are afraid of failure or simply don’t believe they can achieve them. They become complacent and settle for mediocrity instead of pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone.
Reviving your goals means taking action towards making them a reality.
What’s been your biggest struggle with your personal and professional goals?
How are you working to overcome it?

How will you SPRING into action?
Now that we’ve covered how goal planning may fail. Let’s tackle how to SPRING into action and create the success that we desire for our personal and professional goals. Here are 6 things you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you propel forward with your goals:
1 – Support and accountability is a must.
Even if it’s just one or two other people, having others on your team hold you accountable and support your goals makes a difference. I have different sets of accountability partners for different areas of my life. I know they’re going to remember what I said I was working on and look for the proof.
2 – Purposely productive with your time and tasks.
I’m a believer in systems and routines. Whether it’s for your business or personal life, finding what works best for you to maximize your time and effort is a must.
Resource: Purposely Productive – Get More Done Guide
3 – Realistic goals and plan of action in place.
Have you taken the time to put together a plan of action that align with your goals? These action tasks and goals need to be realistic and attainable based on your life’s circumstances. I’m not saying NOT to be ambitious. I’m saying to know your limitations and plan accordingly. This may mean adjusting your schedule, bringing on additional assistance and releasing some tasks that are not propelling you forward.
4 – Innovative ideas.
I read this once and it stuck out so much that I wrote it down to put on my quote board:
“Innovation can mean changing your business model and adapting to changes in your environment to deliver better products or services.”
As you’re focusing on springing into action it’s important to look at ways you can improve and make the best use of your time and tasks. As you and your business grows, be willing to adapt to changes to help both become better.
5 – Negativity needs to go.
Simple as that. What you focus on will bloom and grow. If you take the time to tend to the negative thoughts and actions within your life and business, guess what? You’ll see more of them. Take some time to do some Spring Cleaning and remove negative influences, actions and people from your circle of influence.
6 – Grow!
Tend to your garden by fertilizing, pruning, planting, all the garden references you can think of. Find ways to better yourself and your business this season by taking on new opportunities, reading a new book, investing in a coach or course, the possibilities are endless. Make growth a priority as you spring into action.

Michelle D. Garrett is the founder of Divas With A Purpose.
She focuses on sharing resources for being purposely productive; setting personal and professional goals and achieving them through daily action; and successfully running a business while focusing on your mental health. Michelle is a full-time entrepreneur who specializes in teaching female entrepreneurs how to show up consistently in their business – online and off.