September Journal Prompts

Welcome to September! Here is a listing of journal prompts you can use this month. We use these in our journaling projects, live-streams, social media posts and even to spark conversation around the dinner table.

If you have not started a regular routine of connecting with your family and encouraging your children to express themselves, I challenge you to join us for our monthly family journaling project. No rules on how to engage – just a daily prompt and a challenge to share your thoughts via words, song, art, or whatever way your heart desires.

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September Journal Prompts to use for family and business

September Journal Prompts

  1. What I love about September…
  2. The Fall/Autumn weather makes me feel…
  3. My business goals for this month include…
  4. Describe how you will start budgeting for Christmas.
  5. List products you can create for Christmas.
  6. The best advice you can give to someone is…
  7. What is your favorite outfit for this time of year & why?
  8. List three good thoughts for today.
  9. What’s your best memory of your grandparents?
  10. Describe the state of your office/school desk and list ways you can organize it.
  11. What do you love about the night sky in September?
  12. What do you enjoy/dislike about rainy days?
  13. What did you learn today?
  14. Plan out a family meal for the weekend.
  15. What’s your favorite Fall/Autumn meal and drink?
  16. List out the colors & scents that remind you of this month.
  17. Plan out what you can do for your business between now and the end of the year.
  18. What hobby do you have or would like to have?
  19. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  20. What subject did you like the least in school?
  21. Write about school and how it made you feel, good or bad.
  22. The best thing I love to do with my family is…
  23. Write about your family pet, or what pet you wished you had.
  24. What business product would you love to have? How can you make this come to reality?
  25. How do you feel today & why?
  26. It’s better breakfast month, how can you improve what you eat first thing in the morning.
  27. List one thing you would love to improve about yourself?
  28. What events do you celebrate this month?
  29. Let yourself dream and write a journal post about a fantasy you have.
  30. Write a wrap up of what you achieved this month both personal and professional.

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30 More September Journal Prompts

  1. What plans do you have for September?
  2. Today is Labor Day in the US – what are your plans?
  3. It’s time for those final summer vacations. What is your best summer vacation memory?
  4. What is a memorable thing you did this summer?
  5. Make a short list of what you would like to do before September is over.
  6. Today is ‘Read a Book Day’ – write about your favorite book, or what you are reading right now.
  7. Describe your favorite way to spend a day off.
  8. It’s Grandparents Day – share a memory of your grandparents.
  9. Do something nice for someone else today, then come back and journal about it.
  10. School is back soon – how are you getting your kids ready?
  11. What are some of your own favorite back to school memories?
  12. Talk about work and productivity for the month of September.
  13. It’s Friday the 13th! Do you enjoy scary movies? Write about the ones you have experienced.
  14. A great way to have a healthy September is with more exercise. Pick a new form of exercise to try out, and write about it.
  15. Write down a list of healthy options you want to add to your regular diet.
  16. What was a memorable day this summer?
  17. Choose one new way to practice self care, then journal it.
  18. It is National Indoor Plant Week – why not journal about picking a plant and caring for it?
  19. What is on your mind today?
  20. The 3rd quarter is almost over – write about how it has gone so far and what you got accomplished.
  21. Today is World Gratitude Day – fill up a page with everything you are grateful for.
  22. Do you plan on planting anything for the fall season?
  23. Today is the first day of Fall. What are you looking forward to?
  24. Go outside and enjoy the sunshine, then journal about what you did.
  25. Do the opposite today; find some fun indoor activities to write about.
  26. Write about one person you are grateful to have in your life.
  27. Go through your summer bucket list and see if there is anything you can complete, then write about it.
  28. What are your favorite summer and fall flowers?
  29. Write about some things you want to get done in the 4th quarter.
  30. Write an overview of your month.