Impact of a Morning Routine

Just why does making over your morning routine impact the rest of your day?

I love mornings. Each new day brings new opportunities, and it’s a chance to start fresh and well. How you start your day, or how you spend those first few morning hours has a big impact on the rest of it. Think of it as setting the tone for your entire day. That’s why making over your morning is so important. It’s about much more than those first few hours.

The impact of a morning routine on your day, mood and productivity. | #DWPMorningMakeover #MorningRoutine #goodmorning

 I’m sure you’ve experienced this yourself. Let’s use the snooze button as an example. You set an early alarm to make sure you have time for exercise, meditation, or some much needed “me time”. You have every intention of getting up and doing whatever you’re setting out to do when you set the alarm. Some mornings – hopefully most mornings – you get up when the alarm chimes and go for that walk, do your meditation exercise, or read a book for twenty minutes. Then there are those days when you just can’t make yourself get up. You hit the snooze button multiple times, or turn the alarm off altogether and go back to sleep.

Think about how the rest of those days went. Did you notice a difference in how you felt? How much did you got done on the mornings when you got up with your first alarm? Were you able to do all the things you set out to do? How did those days compare to the ones when you hit the snooze button repeatedly?

Does your morning routine set you up for success?

If I had to take a guess, I’d say that the mornings when you got up as soon as the alarm went off went a lot smoother.  I bet you accomplished what you have planned to do, too. Chances are that sleeping through the snooze button didn’t just affect your morning, but the entire rest of your day. You set the tone for how your day will go first thing in the morning. That’s what the old saying about getting up on the wrong side of the bed is about.

[Tweet “Let’s make sure we get up on the right side and start our day off in a positive and productive way.”]

Over the course of the next seven days, I want to guide you through making over your morning. As we’ve already established, this is an important task and a good thing to work on and pay attention to. Not only will you enjoy your mornings more, even if the alarm goes off much earlier than you’d like, it will make the entire rest of your day go much smoother.

Michelle D Garrett

Michelle D. Garrett is the founder of Divas With A Purpose. She focuses on sharing resources for being purposely productive; setting personal and professional goals and achieving them through daily action; and successfully running a business while focusing on your mental health. Michelle is a full-time entrepreneur who specializes in teaching female entrepreneurs how to show up consistently in their business – online and off.

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