Here’s Why Live-Streaming Has Been A Game Changer

Yes. Live-streaming changed my life – personally and professionally.

A few years ago a new platform came out – Periscope. It was a game-changer for many people when it came to live-streaming and connecting with their community. I sat on the fence for many, many, many months before jumping into it. Y’all – ever since I did my first broadcast on June 6th, 2016 life has never been the same.

Live Streaming is a Game Changer

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5 Ways Live Streaming = Game Changer

I’ve gained confidence and clarity

Let’s be honest – sometimes, especially in the beginning, you may push that red button and no one shows up. It can be discouraging and frustrating, but helps you to hone your messaging and confidence. You never know who may show up and what their intentions are (YAY Trolls on Periscope!) but you learn to ignore, block and stay on your messaging. Much of this helps you in other areas as well when interacting with others in business when it comes to engaging, connecting and communicating.

I’ve found my voice

When you make a commitment to show up every single day, it stretches you. It also forces you to really dig deep and think about the content that you are creating and how you will express it. I found my voice via live-streaming. In the beginning I felt like I had to show up a certain way – polished, poised and always put together. I show up as ME – sometimes it looks great and sometimes it’s me in the moment but with something that I feel is important to share with others.


I’ve inspired my children

My children watch and even participate in my live-streams. They have been a part of my business formation since the start in various ways – from assisting, inspiring and supporting. I see how confident they are when it comes to expressing themselves and the lack of fear and apprehension when it comes to doing videos or live-streams. My daughter even came to me with a full-plan AND beta video for a YouTube channel that she wants to start because she sees how much I enjoy live-streaming.

I’ve connected more with my community

Reading my words and connecting on social media is one thing, but seeing my face and listening to my voice is different. It creates a different kind of connection with others. I have fellow Divas that make it a point to show up to support my live-streams on a daily basis and I don’t take that for granted. It helps me to get to know them better and encourage them to live stream so I can get to connect with them, as well.

I’ve made new friends and connections

I would be remiss if I did not mention THE LARGEST community of female broadcasters that has become such a source of inspiration, motivation, encouragement, knowledge, love, support and soooooo much more. Since joining PeriGirls I have connected with so many amazing women from all over THE WORLD who support and share consistently. I have stepped into a Leadership role within the main community and even became Project Manager for Heart Tribes – the private mastermind community that teaches and supports women who want to live-stream (almost) daily.

So yes, I went from being scared out of my to push the red button to teaching and mentoring women on a daily basis to do just that. I am telling you – this has been an amazing journey and I am thankful in so many ways.

I’ve been recognized

Next month I’ll be traveling to Mom 2.0 to speak on Career Manifestation: Your Vision, Your Plan, Next Steps with the oh-so-awesome Brandi Riley, Amiyrah Martin and Bernetta Jackson-Knighten. I will, also, be recognized as a nominee for the 2018 Iris Award for Livestream of the Year. (insert happy dancing)

This is a huge honor for me because it is one given by my peers who get all that goes into creating content, showing up and consistently shifting and changing with our communities.

Have you incorporated live-streaming into your blog or business? I would love to connect with you if you have.
If you haven’t, why not? I would love to chat about how you can take you open new doors of opportunity by pushing that “Go Live” button on the platform of your choice.