100 Thankful Thursday Ideas

Are you struggling to come up with Thankful Thursday ideas?

Each Thursday in my community I like to pause and reflect on gratitude. On social media, Thursdays are often designated as Thankful Thursday.

Often I get some push back because we are so used to focusing on the bigger things that we forget about the everyday things to be thankful for in our lives.

Focusing on gratitude is not a new thing in my life. I’ve shared before that I began practicing intentional gratitude in 2011 when I first chose gratitude as my word of the year. It was truly a mind-shifting experience for me. It has changed how I focus on gratitude and thankfulness ever since.

Why should gratitude be a part of your daily routine?

Did you know that practicing gratitude regularly is good for your health – physically and mentally? It is! It makes you happier. It helps you sleep better at night. Practicing gratitude gives you more energy, helps you relax and so much more. Gratitude is a habit that can impact many different areas of your life.

Here is a list of 100 everyday things to be thankful for. Did you know that practicing gratitude regularly is good for your health - physically and mentally? It is! It makes you happier. It helps you sleep better at night. Practicing gratitude gives you more energy, helps you relax and so much more. Gratitude is a habit that can impact many different areas of your life.  | Divas With A Purpose #gratitude #ThankfulThursday

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100 Thankful Thursday Ideas – Simple Everyday Things to Be Thankful For

Many of these items are taken from my daily gratitude journal and conversations with my online community over the years.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough. – Aesop

1 – Laughter

2 – Coffee dates with friends

3 – Cupcakes

4 – Waking up each morning

5 – Silly jokes

6 – Cat videos

7 – Hugs (virtual and in-person)

8 – Positive and uplifting interactions throughout your day

9 – Life

10 – Meaningful friendships

Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy. ~ Jefferson Bethke

11 – Your faith/belief system

12 – A supportive family, tribe, and/or circle of friends

13 – Sweet treats

14 – Warm sheets out the dryer

15 – The smell of vanilla

16 – Random acts of kindness

17 – Smiles from strangers

18 – Rainbows

19 – A home-cooked meal

20 – Phone calls with a loved one

Start each day with a grateful heart.

21 – An unexpected letter or card in the mail

22 – Cuddles

23 – Cups of tea in your favorite mug

24 – A good night’s sleep

25 – Mid-afternoon naps

26 – A good (or not-so-good) book

27 – The beauty of nature

28 – New beginnings

29 – Sweet neighbors

30 – Friends that are like family

When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others. ~ Dalai Lama

31 – Deep conversations with someone you care for

32 – Watching others succeed

33 – Second chances

34 – Music

35 – Your favorite pair of jeans

36 – Comfortable socks

37 – Days you do not have to set an alarm

38 – Your favorite part of your favorite movie

39 – Listening to your favorite song on repeat

40 – Your Bestie

When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.
~ Willie Nelson

41 – Scarves

42 – Anything purple (or whatever your favorite color happens to be)

43 – Being loved

44 – Wrong turns that end up being adventures

45 – Inspiring quotes

46 – The feel of the sun on your face

47 – Making others smile

48 – Being able to give back to others

49 – Memories that bring a smile to your heart

50 – A casual walk

This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.
~ Maya Angelou

51 – Kindness rocks

52 – Food to eat

53 – Gas in your car

54 – The ability to create income

55 – A roof over your head

56 – A way connect and communicate with others

57 – Healthcare

58 – Building and Re-building healthy relationships

59 – Me-time

60 – Online shopping

Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgivings,
turn routine jobs into joy,
and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.
~ William Arthur Ward

61 – Grocery and food delivery services

62 – Beautiful flowers

63 – Fresh herbs

64 – Warm bread

65 – Constructive feedback

66 – The ability to just sit and be still

67 – Mentors

68 – Finding money unexpectedly in your pocket or purse

69 – A comfy pair of shoes

70 – A good cry

Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for today.
~ Melody Beattie

My daughter playing at Leo's Landing Inclusive Play Park

71 – Sleeping through the night peacefully

72 – Family movie nights

73 – Running into a friend or acquaintance

74 – Hearing my children laugh out loud

75 – Access to clean water

76 – Being able to celebrate my wins

77 – The view outside my window

78 – Loved ones who show up for me

79 – Being able to read this list

80 – Transportation

Joy is really the simplest form of gratitude. ~ Karl Barth

81 – People willing to share their knowledge (free and paid)

82 – The gift of entrepreneurship

83 – Cheesy movies

84 – Old westerns

85 – Watching movies and television shows that remind you of loved ones

86 – Walks down memory lane

87 – The air you breathe

88 – The clothes you wear

89 – The ability to choose what you want to eat or wear

90 – Time to do things you love and enjoy

Gratitude increases abundance.

Pedicures at <a class=Family traditions and memories

97 – Massages

98 – Pedicures

99 – Back rubs

100 – Technology that connects us with others

Let’s keep this list going, share your Thankful Thursday ideas in the comments below or anywhere on social media.