My goal this year is to be more consistent in my day-to-day actions. Each year I choose one word to help guide my goals and action steps for the year. I first came across the idea for choosing a word for the year after reading Debbie Macomber’s Thursday’s at Eight where the characters meet weekly to help support and motivate one another during difficult transitions within their lives. Rather than resolutions for the year, they each choose one word to focus on, strengthen and embrace. I loved the idea and this will be the sixth year I’ve chosen a word rather than list out resolutions.
As I kick off my first year of full-time divapreneurship, I recognize that it is essential that I put certain routines in place to ensure I have work-life balance and can complete the tasks and projects I have in place for this year. Quite a bit of my work takes place online, it is important that I have consistent routines in place to keep me focused and not watching Periscope videos, being engrossed in my Instagram feed or shopping on Amazon.
5 Ways to Be More Consistent
Create a morning ritual. Determine what you need to do be more productive and motivated at the start of your day. Meditation, reading, a morning run, quiet reflection, upbeat and energizing music – the list is endless. Once you determine what gets you up and moving, do it. Every day. Even when you don’t feel like it (that’s the struggle!). Creating this ritual gets your body and mind moving and is a signal to your body that it is time to get to work. When you stray from your routine, you will notice the difference which is a great reason to establish healthy and productive routines.
Have an Hour of Power. Working for myself from my home, this is a key task for me to do consistently each work day. I list out 5 action items I need to take, designate a set amount of time to work on them and get to working. When the alarm goes off, I move on to the next task. The key is that I am not focused on completing the task, but focused on devoting time and energy to them. Knowing I only have a set amount time to work on them, motivates me to be more productive. Typically the action items I set are regular tasks I need to complete daily (responding to emails, checking social media accounts, etc.) or long-term tasks that are best completed broken into smaller tasks.
Be cognizant of your goals and what must be done to achieve them. When you want something, like really, really, really, really want something, you will do what is necessary to get it. Find ways to keep your goals front and center and motivate you to take action on a daily basis. It’s hard to waste too much time on your smart phone playing games or being on social media when your screensaver is a copy of your vision board.
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Confront and work through your hangups. There was a time that I found myself very unmotivated, depressed and unproductive. Thank goodness for great Diva friends who will recognize when you are not at your best and call you out on it. I realized that I was not satisfied in the job I was in and it was manifesting itself in all areas of my life. That motivated me to speak with my supervisor and determine other areas I could cross-train and, eventually, be promoted into. You know yourself better than anyone else. Learn to recognize triggers of depression and despondency and be proactive. Have a trusted friend or relative you can reach out to and if you find yourself regularly getting depressed, please reach out to a medical professional.
Resource: I worked with Amwell in 2015, they provide access to licensed physicians and nutritionists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the comfort of your home using your smartphone or computer. Head here for more information and a code to get your first visit for free.
Enjoy the moment you are in. My goal this holiday season was to be more present and savor the moments and memories I was creating. That concept is one that I am taking into a new year and applying to my business life, as well. I am committed to not over-scheduling myself and making time for myself and family a priority. When I am meeting with clients, fellow divapreneurs or business associates, they get my full attention. I am present and in the moment – not focused on social media, upcoming tasks or what is not getting completed. Sure things will come up from time to time, but life happens and increasing my stress level will not fix it. Enjoy the moment, Divas.
I’d love to know what your focus for this year is – do you choose a word, set goals and resolutions or intentions for the new year?
Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories says
I love the hour of power idea and to change your smartphone screen to your vision board. My unofficial one word for 2016 is focus but consistency is something I struggle with too.
SimpLeigh Organized says
I am also working on being consistent this year. Your tips will definitely be helpful moving forward. I especially like the one about enjoying the moment you’re in. Once that moment is gone, we can’t get it back. Thanks for sharing!
Simply Save says
I really like the hour of power idea! I think that will also help me be more present in life, since I won’t be distracted by things like email etc. Thanks for sharing in the Small Victories Sunday Linkup!
Oh My Heartsie Girl says
First off, I love your profile photo, You go girl!! I loved your post, I bought myself not one but 2 planners, and actually, I dont think it helps me to much, I used to be dedicated to one, but now, I use a notebook daily, write down tasks I need to do, mostly to include my blog and move from there. At 68 I think I just live in the moment??? Crazy huh…
Thank you for stopping by to share your post, I would like to talk to you about the possibility of a guest authored post, interested? Let me know.
Hope you have a great week!
You can find me @Oh My Heartsie Girl
Kristy as Giftie Etcetera says
I need an hour of power! Going schedule that in my planner now.
Jamie @ Medium Sized Family says
I got a new planner for Christmas, and I’m hoping that getting into the habit of using it regularly will help me be more consistent. You have some really great tips here! I know I’d benefit from exercise and reading more, but have trouble finding time for those things. I’m sure if I had more consistency I could make it work.