How do you bring peace and calmness to your home environment?
Aromatherapy uses extracts, called essential oils, from plant stems, bark, petals, and peels to enhance physical and emotional wellness. It’s become a popular way to naturally treat or complement treatment for conditions like anxiety, aches, and the common cold. You can use it throughout your day to invigorate your mind, calm your nerves, or keep your digestive tract moving. You can reap the benefits aromatherapy without making much of a change to your routine.
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Diffuse Away in Your Home Environment
Essential oil diffusers are designed to disperse essential oils into the air where you can inhale them while you go about your business. They come in cute designs that fit in with your decor. There are even models that change color, have a radio, clock, timer, and alarm clock.
Diffuse lemongrass during your morning routine for a quick pick me up. Try lavender after work to destress or jasmine as a natural sedative before bed. Do you have an upset tummy? Peppermint oil has been known to calm things down. With a diffuser, it’s as simple as loading it up and breathing.
Essential Oil-Infused Candles
If you’re ready to chill after dinner, essential oil-infused candles might be up your alley. Light one of these beauties and the room is filled with the scent of your choice. Scent is powerful. In the same way that smelling fresh-baked bread can make you think of your grandmother, the right scent can transition you into a different place and state.
Lavender is well known for its calming properties. If you light a lavender candle during your evening bath, it can help start your sleep cycle. The association can become so powerful that you can use them to change your feelings in times of stress or change. For example, light the same lavender candle while you’re traveling and you’ll feel sleepy even though you’re in a different time zone, and your schedule is off.
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Creams, Lotions, and Beauty Products
This method builds aromatherapy directly into your routine. You can purchase beauty products infused with essential oils, or you can do the mixing yourself. However, if you’ll be mixing yourself, be sure to consult a trained aromatherapist.
Custom Roll-Ons
Does anxiety nab you at the least convenient times? If so, a roll-on might be a good option for you. You can buy them premixed or mix them yourself. The container is small enough to carry in a backpack or purse. When you feel the need, roll a little on your wrists. Carry one to keep you awake and another to relax. Again, if you’re unfamiliar with essential oils, we suggest consulting a professional.
A Word on Essential Oils
There are a few things you should know before you jump into aromatherapy:
Essential oils are highly concentrated and can irritate or damage your skin if not mixed properly.
They cannot be mixed with water. They’re an oil, and oil repels water. If you’ll be applying them topically, they have to be mixed with an appropriate carrier oil such as coconut oil.
If you’ll be mixing on your own, you’ll need an essential oil emulsifier to make sure the oils correctly blend.
Be careful when, where, and how much essential oils you use. Everyone responds to essential oils differently. If you’ll be using them at work, say with a lotion or roll-on, talk to your colleagues first. Some people have had adverse or allergic reactions, and you don’t want to put anyone in danger.
Aromatherapy is simple and effective
Aromatherapy is simple and effective. You can start with light testing using a candle or dive in with a diffuser. Find the scents that work for you and your home environment and enjoy the benefits of your powerful olfactory senses.
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