Time to Rock the Vote, Divas!

It’s Election 2012! So get out and Vote. Go cast your vote for our country’s leaders, then hop over here and vote for your favorite blog post! Several bloggers are submitting their favorite posts and are hoping you’ll vote for them! The post that gets the most votes WINS! 

We’ve all heard the saying – No Vote! No Voice! For my readers here in the US – I hope you all exercise your right to vote on Tuesday. I tend not to discuss politics on DWP, but I do stress the importance of being involved in our communities. The Presidential Election is important but there are many LOCAL elections and issues that will be voted on next week, as well.


Link up your favorite 3 posts. You have all weekend to think about which articles you are most proud of! Then remember to tell the world to come back and vote on Tuesday!  

The post that gets the most votes will win $20 paypal cash!!!


This is your chance to tell all of us bloggers exactly what kind of articles you really like to read. Cast your vote on Tuesday for your favorite 3 posts! 

Okay – Divas I would love for you all to come back on Tuesday and vote for one of the Divas With A Purpose posts in the contest. Don’t worry – I’ll remind you.


You can’t vote on your favorite post yet! But you can enter the rafflecopter form below to get some early entries in for a chance to win $20!

Another Great Idea sponsored by Moms with Voice Media!

a Rafflecopter giveaway