Thankful for Friends

Earlier this month, Divas With A Purpose hosted a Celebration of Friendship here in Columbia, South Carolina. All I can say, is I am so thankful for friends – near, dear, tried, true and new to the crew 🙂

What’s a celebration without deelish food:

Natty Queens CuisineMany thanks to Natty Queens Cuisine!!! Chef Kat is so awesome that I’m working on a completely separate post to celebrate her and her mission! Those in attendance were able to purchase discounted pre-sale tickets to her upcoming Eat More, Eat Better Summer Workshops and two lucky divas won a free session!

The Dessert Diva

The Dessert Diva from Charleston, SC provided these delectable sweets. Divas, I hurt myself trying to sample all these wonderful treats!!! My regular supporters will recognize The Dessert Diva as Kimberly from our Divatude Challenge 2013.

I have to, also, send a special thank you to Opulence Events and Rentals for their assistance with set-up and providing the linens for the evening.

Michell and Michelle

I had a chance to meet fellow blogger, Michell from Prowess and Pearls. This diva is awesome – I so appreciate her support here on the blogosphere and face-to-face. I’m looking forward to getting together more with her and others bloggers in the Midlands area.

Celebration of Friendship

And our featured speaker, Sherika Washington, was phenomenal!!! She gave us some serious food for thought by encouraging us to reflect on the type of friends we are and if we’ve  truly given 100% to the friendships we hold near and dear to us.

There were some disappointments and eye-opening moments with putting this event together, but, overall, it helped me in so many ways. It’s given me a clearer vision for my community involvement with Divas With A Purpose and the blog, in general.  Sherika’s inspiring words really made me stop and reflect on my use of the word “friend”.

Speak It Live It Be It

Sometimes we expect more of people than they truly are capable or willing to deliver.  As we grow and mature, we learn to let go without angst or anger. We learn that my purpose may not be your purpose, but we’re all working towards a common goal and lifting one another up is so much easier than tearing one another down. I’m thankful for that lesson and I’m thankful for the friends that have come in my life – whether we speak every day or once every ten years. They have helped shaped my passion for Divas With A Purpose and it’s mission of uplifting and uniting women.

And if you’re in the Columbia area – save the date for next year’s event! We’re going to celebrate all over again the first Saturday in June 2014. The planning has already begun!

Thankful Thursday

Welcome to Thankful Thursday on Divas With A Purpose! I encourage you to share at least one thing you’re thankful for this week. If you’re a blogger, feel free to link up below and visit/support other bloggers that link up as well.

What are you thankful for this week?
What ways have you shared your gratitude with others?

Linking up this week with: Thursday Two Questions