Send A Smile, Please – UPDATED 5/15/12
To all who responded – thank you from the bottom of my heart. I just updated the Divas With A Purpose Facebook page to let everyone know that Gavin passed away this weekend. His aunt said it best “Gavin will no longer have headaches and has beat this brain tumor. He can walk and run and I feel certain that he ran straight into his Grandma’s’ waiting arms.” Please continue to keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. Blessings Divas!!!

Hi Divas! I hope you’re all having a fantastic day! I’m coming to you today with a personal request that truly epitomizes what Divas With A Purpose is about and why I started this journey.
I received the following email from one of my co-workers today regarding her nephew, Gavin. Please read and respond as your heart leads you. Gavin’s mother is the author of the message below. It would be awesome if we could bring a smile to the face of this young boy and his big sister. I don’t know Gavin personally, but I’ve had the honor of working with his aunt for the past 5 years.
Often times we see requests like these and pay them no mind or think they’re spam and won’t affect a real person. I can personally vouch that everyone that responds will be sending a smile, warm thoughts and well-wishes to a very real little boy.
Be Blessed, Divas, and remember to be a blessing to others!
As you all know my son has a brain tumor and is pretty much confined to be mostly all of the time. I try to find things that will help pass the time…this can be hard as he is limited in what he can do.
So I was thinking what kind of Guinness World Record we could break while here at home. I looked into the most Get Well Cards received and that is something like 30 million!! But he does enjoy receiving cards of all kinds. It is a treat when the mail comes and I can curl up in the bed with him and open cards. So I am going to take a leap and put my address on here—like you couldn’t find it on the Internet! I did see where someone asked people to put a penny in each card they sent so that we can put them in a jar and he can see how many people are praying for him!! Just a thought.
But could you take a minute to help make the day of a 9 year old little boy and put a smile on his face.
And if you are really feeling the love of God could you send one to his sister Kennedy just telling her that you know that she is a big help to her family and to Gavin. I will owe you for this one.