Rules for Setting Priorities – FREE Webinar

These Golden Rules aren’t going to take care of your daily tasks for you, but they’ll definitely help you get them done. Yes, there are rules for setting priorities!

Followers of Divas With A Purpose will be familiar with The Divatude Challenge. A year long focus on SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based) where participants are encouraged to share track and share their progress.  An essential step in setting SMART goals is prioritizing!

Be Smart With Your Goals

You can download this FREE printable here —> Be Smart With Your Goals

Most people don’t realize that setting priorities is so important. But taking the time to think about your daily to-do list really goes a long way in making you more productive.

Here’s an exercise for you to try:

Take any goal that you have in your life. It doesn’t have to be your biggest goal, but just something you’d like to achieve (this is only an exercise).

Define that goal in the clearest wording possible. Say exactly what you want to achieve and make it measurable (that’s covered in this webinar).

Then, write out all the steps you need to take to get you there. Break down these steps into smaller and smaller steps until you have tiny tasks that you can put on a daily to-do list. You could use a mind map, spread sheet, online notebook, or even a piece of paper to track everything.

If this is confusing, don’t worry. After attending this webinar you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. But remember, this is just an exercise to show you how it works.

I invite you to attend a free webinar on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of this upcoming week.  Attendees will receive a free ebook and follow-up emails after completing this webinar to assist with setting priorities and focusing on their short and long-term goals.