Reflections on Parenting My Teenager

This post is sponsored by the Center for Parent and Teen Communication.  All opinions (and memories!) are my own.


Then Michael and I in San Diego

I could spend hours watching this tiny creation that was an extension of me. You have the most infectious laugh and grin that lights up your entire face. From the moment I held you in my arms for the first time we’ve had a bond like no other. Whether it is an impromptu trips to visit friends or movie nights watching your movie of the month over and over and over and over … You are a ball of energy and full of love and laughter. I cannot wait to watch you grow and develop into the amazing being you’re destined to be.


Now Michael and I before Junior Prom

I could spend hours agonizing that I’m going to blink and you’ll be moving on to the next stage of your life in just a few short months. Your infectious laughter and crazy sense of humor bring a smile to my face even when I’m trying my hardest to have my stern Mommy-face on. I’ve watched you become this young man who is full of confidence, love and joy. Despite all the odds that were stacked against you, you are thriving and planning for an amazing future. There aren’t any words that adequately describe how proud I am of you. I didn’t think it was possible but my love has grown and blossomed for you over these last 17 years.

Our kids grow up. This video had me all in my feels:

The Center for Parent and Teen Communication is a new, valuable resource for every parent navigating the teen years. Relevant and informative articles that help us parents connect the dots from those early years to now. Dr. Kin Ginsburg, the center’s Director, reminds us in this article to remember the best in our children who are now teens.

What are your favorite childhood memories of your teenager?
When’s the last time you sat and shared them with them?

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