Five Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day

The past few months I have been focusing on positive affirmations throughout my day. Starting your day with positive affirmations can help to shift your mindset and start you off in a productive manner.

Simply put, affirmations are short, powerful statements that strongly state a fact – typically one you are striving to attain or maintain in your personal or professional life.

[Tweet “#NowReading: Five Positive #Affirmations to Start Your Day”] gives a wonderful analogy when referencing affirmations: “[Look] at positive affirmations this way – many of us do repetitive exercises to improve our body’s physical health and condition. Affirmations are like exercises for our mind and outlook; these positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think, and act, in a new way.”

5 Positive Affirmations To Start Your Day

Affirmations To Start Your Day

Here are 5 positive affirmations to start your day:

1 – What I do makes a difference.

Everything you do makes a difference.  Each time you take a step forward, it brings you  closer to your goals.

2 – I replace my old habits with new, empowering habits.

Our daily life is impacted by our habits. The better our habits, the better our lives become. Each day let’s commit to evaluating and replacing old habits with new, empowering activities. If they are not supportive of your goals, why dedicate your time and energy to them?

Positive Affirmations To Start Your Day

3 – I accept my past and live in the present.

I realize there is a reason for everything, every experience, every encounter. I have frequently said that much of who I am today is due to my past – the good, the not-so-good and everything in between. Divas, each day is a wonderful gift – vow to live in the here and now.

[Tweet “5 Positive Affirmations To Start Your Day”]

4 – Self-love paves the way for loving others.

Loving yourself is the key to showing love for others. Strive to show yourself unconditional love on a daily basis. The more you love and accept yourself, the more you are able to love and accept others.

5 – I am one awesome DIVA!

Yes, yes you are! Last year I shared my journey to self-love as part of the Inspiring Mom Bloggers Virtual Conference and this was a part of my daily mantra during some of my lowest, seemingly unlovable moments.

Let’s Talk About It:
Do you use affirmations?
What routine do you have to jump start
your day in a positive manner?

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