Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by Green Giant® through MyBlogSpark. As the mother of 3 children, an aunt, big cousin and youth leader – I believe that being aware of bullying is essential.
Dear Kiddos,
Bullying worries me. No, it scares me. I read and hear about so many children your age whose lives are totally destroyed by the effects of bullying.
The relationship between the three of you – while it spans 10 years – is a close bond and I know that you all care for, protect and defend one another. I realize there will come a time when you won’t have each other readily available. As you grow and your circles expand and interchange, you will come in contact with children from different backgrounds, beliefs and traditions. I encourage that. I believe that that diversity will benefit you as you grow and mature. It will help you to be accepting and tolerant of those that are different from you.
I know, however, that you may encounter some that for whatever reason are not as tolerant. There are many reasons why they choose to become a bully, but know that you can and should always stand up for yourself. You can come to me with anything at anytime and I will be there to listen, support and intervene when necessary. Do not feel that it makes you “weak” or a “tattle-tale” or a “snitch”. No one should ever be made to feel as though they are less than others. No one should intimidate or pressure others into making decisions they are not comfortable making or following through on.
It’s okay to walk (or run) away. It does not make you a smaller person. It makes you a stronger person. Bullies come in many different shapes and sizes. Sometimes it can be someone you thought of as a friend, it could be a relative or even an adult. Whomever it is, know that it is wrong and not a reflection of the wonderful person that you are.
I believe I’ve instilled in you the confidence to stand up not just for yourself but for others who may be bullied in your presence. You have the ability to be part of the solution.
Love Always,
Green Giant® knows it takes a lot more to raise a healthy child then just getting them to eat their vegetables. Kids these days live in a world that is bigger and scarier than the world we grew up in, and they need help and encouragement to navigate that world with confidence and pride.
Unfortunately one of the hardest things kids have to deal with is bullying. When a child is bullied by a peer it can turn his or her life into a daily gauntlet of fear and anxiety. That’s why Green Giant® is partnering with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center and We Day Minnesota to help parents Raise A Giant and put a stop to bullying in their community.
What Does it Mean To Be A Giant?
Being a giant isn’t about being the biggest or the best. Being a giant means standing up for others. It means lending a hand to those who are in trouble and speaking up for those who sometimes find it hard to speak up for themselves.
Studies show that an effective way to stop bullying is for kids to simply speak up and say, “That’s not okay” when they see bullying happening.
But asking kids to have the courage to stand up to bullying is a tall order and that’s why they need our help.
How Do You Raise A Giant?
Parents are asked to write a letter to their kids telling them how special they are and encouraging them to be part of the bullying prevention solution by being a giant.
To get started parents can visit RaiseAGaint.com and read the letters others have written.
Congratulations Kathy J – the winner of the $25 Visa Gift Card provided by our sponsor! Many thanks to all who entered and shared their thoughts and experiences!
kathy dalton says
ive always taught my children to stand up for themselves and if a threatening situation arises tell an adult
Christina S says
You should ALWAYS be the bigger person, and if you ever need help, have someone to go to… maybe thats me or a friend or a teacher… have someone who can be your buddy. Bullying is NOT ok.
Sheila Hickmon says
I’ve talked to my kids about it. I let them know it’s not right to be a bully, and if they are getting bullied that I will always be there to listen to them and stand up for them.
Latrice Long says
Awful personal experience also. I teach my kid the wrong in it. It needs to be put to an end
robyn donnelly says
i tell my kids try to get away from person or talk calmly if possible.
Sara Floyd says
I have not talked to my daughter yet, as she is only a baby but I will. I was bullied a lot as a kid and I don’t want her to be, or if she is, then we can talk about it
Diana says
Yes, I have. I just tell them to never let anyone get to them and if they can’t handle the situation, get an adult.
Julie Matek says
I have not talked to my daughter about bullying yet. She is only 3:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
kathy j says
My kids are older but yes I did talk to them. I was a caregiver for handicap children and made it a point to discuss differences and different people to my kids. I lso made it a point to teach them to stick up for others. I now have a 8 year old grand daughter that I instill these values in also.
kelly mcgrew says
i dont have children. but i can’t sit by and watch kids getting bullied! i would tell the kids i used to babysit to tell their moms and dads and have them help them have the best answer! so that i didn’t come between them and their kids.
Cynthia R says
have talked to them, told them to talk to an adult, also told them many kids will stay out of it because they are scared they will get targeted, those kids that stick with bullies aren’t friends they are just afriad. They have true real friendships that mean something.
susana says
I don’t have kids but do tell me nieces and nephews if someone is bullying them go tell a grown up, don’t keep it inside!!!
Shelly says
Yes…I just tell my kids to stand up for themselves and most bullies will leave them alone
Ashley S. says
No, my daughter is only 6 months old, but when she is older I will talk about it with her.
April Sinclair says
I talk to my kids all the time about bullying. I let them know it's not right, that they should not pick on people just because they're different and to let me know if someone is bullying them.
Ellie W says
My boys are still little but I’ve tried to teach them to stand up for themselves and each other.
D Schmidt says
My children are very young but I have tried to lightly discuss the subject.
richelle bowers says
we have talked to them about it. I tell them to let an adult know and to stand up for themselves
BeckyM says
We have talked to our kids about bullying and they also have lessons on it school. Our best advice is to have them tell us right away so that we can help them through the situation.
tina reynolds says
I tell them to take the higher road always be good to others and know they can tell me anything that I will always support them. I also encourage them too be friends with everyone that each person adds something unique to us. Don’t turn someone away because they are different because there difference just might help you grow.
Stephanie Ridgdill Matthews says
I have talked to my kids about bullying…what it's like to be a bully and also what it's like to be the person who is bullied. I teach my children to always stand up for themselves and to always do the right thing…even when that means standing up for a complete stranger. I've taught them to never be afraid to go to an adult for help if needed. "Do unto others…"
rusti says
I have talked to all of my sons about bullying and that there are different ways to bully. We have had one son deal with this so much at his last school that he would come home crying all the time. I just try to let my boys know to treat others how they want to be treated.
Elena says
I told my son to always tell teachers and parents about bullying
Janet W. says
I always told my daughters that if someone ever bullied them to be sure to tell a teacher about it. Don’t show the bully that it upsets you because that’s what they want.
Sandra K VanHoey says
We have talked to my grandchildren and have stressed to talk to an adult immediately if is should happen to them and also explained to never become the bully and how hurtful that would be.
Ruby says
its all happening around the world and not only for childrend! not really a good idea when our children are victims of this..thanks for this wonderful post!
Antionette Blake says
developmentally delayed, but God watched over him and he was safe his entire education career
Antionette Blake says
Yes, it was always my biggest fear especially since my oldest
aemcgregor says
I love the letter. Bullying is one f my greatest concerns when my kids starts going to school. if someone hurts my kids I would raise hell on them!
jheylo says
Bullying and injustice has to stop because no one deserves the hurtful feelings. It scares me too for my children.
Alison says
I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s hard to stop bullying but we can all start with our own children.
Chubskulit Rose says
It scares me a lot too, sometimes it brings me paranoia when my kids tell me story about certain students that they encounter with. The school recently has a forum of some sort where they educate the kids on how to deal with bullies and how to avoid it.
Adin Blankenship says
My husband and I always talk about bullying to our son. We tell him why bullying is not a good thing and I hope he listens and understands. It is so sad and scary to know that there are some kids that died because of bullying. It is so sad to know that. This must be stop and the action must begin within the family. Parents or whoever is responsible for these kids must take action and responsibility to teach these young ones at an early age. It has been becoming more of a problem these days. 🙁
Mary Happymommy says
I haven’t talked to them about bullying yet.
Lisa Brown says
I would tell a child to tell their parents or other adult if they are being bullied.
Coolchillmom says
What an amazing conversation to have.
Wonderful letter. It reads volumes to all ages!
I worry about it but like you need to believe I an imparting solid bases for my kids to face life in all aspects
Mel Montana says
I really wish bullying will stop and the schools be safe. Each parent has to work hard in disciplining and instilling good moral values to their kids especially these days where bad things can happen in a blink of an eye.
Joi @ Rx Fitness Lady says
I don’t have any kids, but I will be very aware when the time comes.
Nova S says
My son is way too young to understand everything, but i make sure that when he isn’t behaving well, i told him that was bad and he shouldn’t hurt anyone at all.
Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz says
I have, we worry about bulling a lot because my daughter has special need but I hope that she has listened to our advice and will know how to recognize bullying. She knows who she can to to in school and what are safe places for her.
Jennifer Williams says
This is such a great campaign, I am so glad to have supported Green Giant all these years and love that they are doing this. Our biggest issues are when we have an issue and call the school and they do nothing about it. I hope things change because too many children are taking their lives because of this and it is not right.
becca says
what a great letter to your kids and a great campaign
Sarah-Louise Bailey says
My first high school was very up on bullying it had been a trend that year 7 was bullied as they came in – so they changed the routine ending up with us being a close year who all looked out for each other – my second high school on the the other hand was rife with bullying within the year which thinking back was so sad .x
Liza @ VFtV (@LMC502) says
We’ve always said – never start a fight, but don’t let anyone bully you, either. And if someone is being bullied that can’t stand up for themselves, you should try and help them.
Crystal Green says
I'm glad I thought of you today to see this post! Great campaign worth being a part of for sure!
awelbaum says
This is such a great idea. Bullying is to much of an issue in our world for sure. It was an issue when I was school, but not to the extent that it is today for sure.
Wendy Pence (@reignbough1973) says
I have talked to them about bullying, what it is like on the receiving end as well as the giving end. “Do unto others as you would have done unto you,” is the mantra for all human interaction in our family.
Wendy Jevning Pence says
I have talked to them about bullying, what it is like on the receiving end as well as the giving end. "Do unto others as you would have done unto you," is the mantra for all human interaction in our family.
Tammy says
Bulling has been around since the beginning of time and remember talking to my son about this over 20 years ago. Its sad how social media and tv has made bullying cool.