Love’s Memory by Shannon Peterson

Hi Divas! Love’s Memory by Shannon Peterson debuted today. It’s an inspirational novel about a woman who has an accident that causes her to lose her memory and forget her family.

I’ve only communicated with Shannon via email, but her kind and warm spirit were evident from our first communication. Many thanks to her for taking the time to answer a few questions for the DWP Community! Her take on embracing DIVATUDE really inspired me!

When you hear the word DIVATUDE what immediately comes to mind?

When I hear the word Divatude the word that immediately comes to mind is confidence–Phil 1:6 Being assured of this very thing, that He which began this good work in you will bring it to pass. Because He has confidence in us–He knows what He’s put in us, He knows what we are capable of–we can have confidence in ourselves. We can walk with our heads held high.We can have a bounce in our step and a smile on our face. We can approach any situation with poise and assurance. He’s with us! We are daughters of the King! 

How do you embrace DIVATUDE in your daily walk?
I’m a believer in Job 22:28. “Decree a thing and it shall come to pass.”  I’ve learned that if I want every day to count, if I want any  joy, peace, contentment, strength, etc in my life- this is the way to get it. The enemy stalks around like a roaring lion—and sometimes all we can hear are his roars! “you’ve failed again” “you’re not smart enough” “you can’t do that” “no one likes you” etc….But one word from God’s mouth and he shuts up. I wake up in the morning and immediately start decreeing “I’m blessed!”  “I’m smart!” “I’m loved!” etc it’s a great way to begin your day!
What inspires your DIVATUDE? 
I listen to great preachers and teachers regularly. I have a great prayer time with the Lord daily. I walk through my house praising Him, thanking Him, talking to Him. And I also try to be still and listen and let Him speak to me. He loves to do that. He has wonderful things to say to us if we give Him the chance. I have people in my life that I regularly share with and pray with. I’m also trying to get in the habit of reaching out to people in servitude. Serving increases joy and I can never get enough joy in my life! lol

To celebrate the launch of Love’s Memory, we’re all invited to a VIRTUAL PARTY at Shannon’s website! Love’s Memory has been called “soul-stirring”; “an inspiring story”; “compelling, enthralling”; “wonderfully suspenseful” and “a true page turner”.

Head over to the party and see all the free party favors, prizes, and tips from wonderful writers all joining efforts to support the launch of Love’s Memory!

See you there, Divas!