Janeane Davis gave us some awesome advice on how to “Let Out the Confidence Within!” during The Divatude Experience – the virtual conference our community hosted last month.
The Divatude Experience focused on different facets of our personal and professional lives. Registered participants will be receiving special offers from our speakers and sponsors and had the opportunity to connect with them one-on-one in our closed Facebook group.
This week we’ll be sharing the content and video recordings from The Divatude Experience.
Related Article: Believing In The Power of You
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Janeane wears a great many hats as any Superwoman would. In addition to working as the creator and writer of Janeane’s World, she is the Co-Founder and Executive Editor of PushingLovely.com, a website created to showcase the writing of women by pushing women writers one story at a time.
She, also, serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of James, Davis and Associates a private consulting firm that was created to serve as a strategic planning resource to help businesses grow and thrive in the modern marketplace. Her training and work as an attorney have given her a particular love for paying attention to detail, righting wrongs and spreading the word about good and worthy causes.
Point blank – she’s fantastic! Janeane, also, participated in our very first Divatude Challenge – our annual SMART Goals challenge. One of her gifts is motivating and inspiring others and I’m thankful to her for sowing into the Divas With A Purpose community.
Let Out The Confidence Within
You can watch our conversation below on “Let Out the Confidence Within!” Feel free to comment below in the comments or interact with Janeane on Twitter using our hashtag #DivatudeExperience by clicking here.
Irene (Rivka) Krasnoff says
Janeane has fantastic ideas for tapping into the self-confidence that is already within us. I love her putting on your big girl panties image. Just as getting dressed is a process so is acquiring confidence.