One of my mentors and I were catching up last night and had a good laugh over how far I’d come and how proud she was of me. When I first got married, she was “nervous” that she’d open her front door one day to see me standing there with my oldest son and our bags! Believe me, there were days when I was tempted to but the prayers of the righteous availeth much!!! Who’d have thunk Michelle would be married with 3 kiddos? I know I’ve said that before and will definitely say it again.
With my oldest son, things were very easy. I was young and definitely not as smart as I thought I was now that I reflect back, but I was willing to learn, had a wonderful support system and absolutely embraced motherhood! My oldest son and I really did grow up together. He helped change my outlook on life, gave me more focus and unleashed the “mama bear” in me. I had to remove some people from my life that I thought would always be there. My priorities changed significantly with motherhood. While I never was really a selfish person, I became even more giving with my love and time. I was drawn to more seasoned women to learn and grow from them.
The relationship with my mom changed drastically and I’m forever grateful for that. She was there during labor and delivery. My oldest son made her a grandma and she is his second mother! That kid is royally spoiled – even almost 11 years later! Over the years, as I make sacrifices for my children, I am able to see just how much my mother sacrificed for us and how dedicated she is to her children and grandchildren.
Fast forward to today, a husband and two more kids later and WOW!!! I couldn’t imagine my life without any of them. They inspire me on a daily basis and I strive to be a better person overall. I’m a live-in role model. These kiddos are watching and listening to EVERYTHING! It makes you think twice many times. Easy still? Some days, I would say yes and others days not so much….but the rewards are priceless. From my oldest telling me that he wants another date night, to the early morning cuddles from my youngest son and the toothless, drooly smooches from my 5 month old diva.
Blessings Divas!!! Enjoy your weekends and make memories with your families and friends 🙂
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