From staying true to herself despite her not-so-good experiences to her sense of humor that only she enjoys most of the time – Kalley from Blogging While Nursing shares her top five reasons why she loves her some her!
Many thanks to Kalley for her contribution to our Loving Myself First series.
Kalley loves herself because:
- She is able to keep a semblance of herself despite her circumstances
- She has kept her sense of humor
- She has learned a very valuable lesson regarding character
- There is only one Kalley!
- The joy she gets from playing and learning with her children.
Again, many thanks to Kalley for supporting our #LovingMyselfFirst series this month!
Kalley is a stay at home mother who has a passion for life. She writes about family, and faith,and her many interests. She finds inspiration in the ordinary, and celebrates it. You can find her over at her blog: Blogging While Nursing, Twitter, and her new YouTube Channel.
createwithjoy says
Thanks Michelle for sharing this guest post with us at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy – Kalley, what a delight you are!
Awesome video – your personality shone right through! 🙂
Amanda Love says
Kalley did an excellent job with her vlog. You have to first love yourself before you can love anyone else I alway say. Thank you Kalley!
Katherine G says
Kalley sounds like a very interesting and great person. I love her list.
Ronnie Epstein says
How inspirational, Kalley! It’s so wonderful to hear from ladies like yourself who love themselves. I need to take some of that perspective into my own life, because there’s only one of me also and I rock! 🙂 (See, it’s working already)
melissa weintraub (@dentistmel) says
Self love is the most important!! You go! I love this post!
Aisha Kristine Chong says
Such a lovely entry here dear. 🙂 It’s so important to love yourself and many people neglect this all the time and your post is just inspiring. 🙂
toughcookiemommy says
Self love is so important. Many people worry about loving and caring for others and forget to love themselves first.
Pam says
I know so many people who don’t really love themselves or respect themselves and they are so unhappy in life. Great post!
casavilorainteriors says
That’s right! Loving yourself is the place to start! Can’t really love others the right way unless you do
Amber Nelson says
Those are all great. It is a great reminder for us to really truly care for us.
Liz Mays says
Love that positive attitude and fighting spirit. She sounds wonderful!
KalleyC says
Thank you Liz!
Jennifer Williams says
I love that she is so confident – many of us could learn from her. I believe the biggest and most important part of your personality is a sense of humor – you lose that and you are in trouble.
KalleyC says
Aww, thank you so much Jennifer!
Pam W says
It is wonderful to see someone sharing about loving themselves first even in difficult circumstances. I think we all need to remember this. We can’t love others if we don’t love ourselves.
KalleyC says
Even though the hard times are well hard, it’s always important to me to connect with people. We all have ups and downs, but how we handle them matters the most. Love always starts with ourselves 🙂
Vinma Joseph says
Very inspiring Kalley! I think we all need to ponder about this subject every so often- loving oneself is a great therapy and it can solve many issues.
KalleyC says
Glad to hear that this post inspired you! It’s so true too! I think loving ourselves the gateway to healing.
amandaripsam says
very cool a vbog how cool. I don’t think I don’t think I would be so brave to do a video pictures are one thing but a video thanks for being real and true to who you are and sharing with us.
KalleyC says
You are very welcome! I started doing video blogs this year and I’m loving it so much. I was so happy and excited to contribute to this great discussion!
becca says
in the words of RuPaul “If you can’t love yourself how the H*LL can you love anyone else” those are the word i live by
KalleyC says
Hahaha! I love that quote! I already hear the voice in my head 🙂
Sarah Bailey says
It can be such a hard thing to love yourself (although such an important thing) you go! Thank you so much for sharing x
KalleyC says
You said it Sarah! It’s hard to do, but totally worth it!
Theresa says
What a wonderful post! I just love seeing woman embracing themselves. Such a positive message!
KalleyC says
Thank you Theresa!
triplezmom says
What a great message. Excellent job on the vlog, Kalley!
KalleyC says
Thank you so much tripplezmom! And thanks for watching 🙂
Lawna says
I love your reasons for loving yourself. This is so true! We must always love ourself before we try loving others.
KalleyC says
Thank you Lawna! Once we learn to love ourselves, then and only then we can love others the way they deserve.
Amberlee Cave says
It is definitely important to love yourself! You can’t be you if you don’t embrace who you are
KalleyC says
Perfectly said! It all starts with ourselves 🙂
JadeLouise Designs (@JadeLDesigns) says
Those are fantastic reasons to love yourself! Loving yourself is so crucial to having a healthy and positive lifestyle. And someone that gets overlooked far too often.
Kalley C says
Very true! Sometimes we end up putting ourselves last, but this is why I love this series from Divas With A Purpose! It gives us the space to focus on us! 🙂
Michele says
Very good reasons for loving yourself–keeping a sense of humor being the most important in my opinion. If I wasn’t able to laugh at myself once in a while I’d be crying!
Kalley C says
Hahaha, I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes the laughing at ourselves helps us keep our hearts light!
Ashley Bunker (@bloggychic) says
All great reasons to love yourself! We really need to work on loving ourselves more.
Kalley C says
Yes!! We so deserve to love ourselves and not be ashamed about it! You go Diva! (A borrowed line from Michelle)
prettyopinionated says
Those are all great reasons to love yourself! Especially keeping a sense of humor no matter what. That can be hard sometimes.
Kalley C says
It can be hard, but it helps us in the long run to learn how to forgive ourselves.
Beth says
Thanks for sharing such a personal and fun view! Sometimes it can be difficult to find the good in us. I liked this 🙂
Kalley C says
Thank you so much Beth!
My Journey With Candida says
If you don’t love yourself, there is no way you will ever truly love anyone else. And yes… there is only one of each of us.
Kalley C says
All the more reason to love ourselves! There is and wil only be one of us, so why not embrace it! 🙂
Emily Stephens says
We all need to embrace the fact that there is only one of us! That’s what makes us so unique!
Kalley C says
Wonderfully put Emily! Love our uniqueness! 🙂
coolchillmom says
yes!!! I love the month celebration. We need to love ourselves to appreciate ourselves and in trun love others!
great job on the video!
Kalley C says
Thank you so much! I love Divas With A Purpse and I love what Michelle brings to this blog!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
Great job Kalley!! You’re right – there is only one you. Embrace that.
Kalley C says
Thank you Robin! That’s right, we got to love ourselves, faults and all 🙂
Bren says
This is so awesome Kalley! I absolutely agree with your top 5. BTW, love ya too girly! 🙂
Kalley C says
Aww thank you Bren! I love you too! 🙂
Kalley C says
Thank you so much for having me on Divas With A Purpose!