Gratefulness leads to joy and peace

Happy Thursday Divas! It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Thankful Thursday post and I have to say I truly miss them! Sitting down once a week and reflecting over the positive people,events and wonderful blessings in my life helped me to stay focused on the “yays” and gave me an extra uumph!

Thankful Thursday: Week 13

So with that being said….Divas With A Purpose Thankful Thursday is back and better than ever! One of my goals this year is to focus more on networking and connecting with fellow bloggers, small business owners and women from all walks of life.  In addition to a weekly post of what I’m thankful for, I’d like to invite you (yes, you) to comment with at least one thing you’re thankful for this week and then link up below with your blog or website – visit at least 2 other sites you haven’t visited before just to say hello.

Thankful Thursday: Week 6This week I’m thankful for the wonderful doors opening up for the ladies participating in The Divatude Challenge 2013: Brittney, Janeane, Whitney, Kimberly and E’Toshia have been such a blessing to me as I’ve connected with them. They’ve each had some great successes in the past few months and it’s been exciting to see their posts on Facebook and talk/text with them about the doors opening up for them. I can’t wait to update you all next month.

I’m thankful for one-on-one time with each of my kids. Any mother will tell you that that’s not always the easiest thing to do. There are seasons in their lives when each child will demand more of your time and focus. I’m grateful for children that will make sure they get their individual time in. My youngest son is an early riser and he’ll find me early on Saturday mornings to cuddle, watch cartoons and have breakfast. My oldest son is a night owl and he’ll usually wait until everyone else is asleep on Friday nights and show up in my room with a blanket and a movie. And, Miss V, well as the baby girl of the family she demands and gets more than her fair share. As she grows and becomes more independent, the cuddle time, hugs and kisses are a little more sporadic but always welcome.

I’m, also, thankful for date night with my husband. Yes, we had a chance to go out – without the kids!!! – and spend some quality time together. We had a great time and agreed it’s something we need to do more often.

Your turn – don’t forget to comment with at least one thing you’re thankful for, link up and then visit a couple of other divas, too!

Have a fantastic Thursday!