DWP Challenge Day 7: Living and Learning

As I blogged on previously, one of my life philosophies is living without regrets. Learning from my mistakes, growing from them and striving to become a better person overall are what I try to focus on.

Today’s challenge took me awhile to complete because I’m selective about who I share my story with in a one-on-one basis. I know, sounds odd coming from a blogger who puts almost all of it out there for my readers on a regular basis, right? I’ve learned though that those closest to you are often the ones to be a little too judgmental – especially when someone’s trying to grow and rise above previous choices.

While many around may have wished I took a different path in life, I’m confident that I’m where I am for a specific reason.  The choices and path that I’ve taken in life have brought me to this point for a reason that I may not fully understand right now, but I know that there’s a greater purpose behind it all.

Those are the words I shared with someone who was struggling with a major decision recently made in their life.  Sometimes the choices we make may shock and stun others, but if you have peace in your heart and spirit once you’ve made it – then don’t waver in your decision. Keep your head up and continue to press onward and upward.


You can see the inspiration behind the challenge and the first 7 days challenges below:

Day 1: Write Personal Mission Statement

Day 2: Rather than criticize, coach. Motivate with positive feedback and influence.

Day 3: Do something nice for someone else – leave a soda money by the vending machine, pay for someone’s coffee, let that extra car turn during your morning or afternoon commute, etc

Day 4: Focus on the positive all day. No negative thoughts. (Warning – often when you make a conscious effort to be positive, it will seem as though anything and everything that can go wrong will – keep smiling and stay positive through it all).

Day 5: Connect with at least 4 other people and commit to motivating and inspiring one another for the next 5 days. It doesn’t have to be anything ornate – just a simple motivating text, email, Facebook post, etc.

Day 6: Have a selfish moment. Do something for yourself.

Day 7: Share lessons from your successes and failures with someone that can benefit from it.

You can see an overview and the inspiration behind this 14-day challenge here.