Many people face a “fear of failure” where they don’t pursue their passions and dreams for fear of the unknown, or even worse, failing. However, this negative view of failing can greatly hinder your ability to grow in whatever the venture may be. Instead of looking at failure from a negative viewpoint, I urge you to look at it from a different perspective. Failure has many benefits. It affords us the ability to learn and grow from our mistakes, it humbles us and brings us back down to earth, and it helps us build resilience.
Turn your wounds into wisdom. ~ Oprah Winfrey
In fact, many famous creatives have failed somewhere along their journey to success. Did you know that Oprah not only grew up poor by also was fired from her first job at Baltimore’s WJZ? Or that J.K. Rowling was rejected from 12 major publishing houses for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone? These women, among many others, didn’t give up on their dreams regardless of the hardships that stood in their way. Invaluable created a neat infographic that highlights 12 successful creatives who overcame extreme obstacles within their careers. Gather inspiration and motivation from their stories!
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