Easy Shrimp Alfredo

Easy Shrimp Alfredo

I love Wednesdays for a few reasons. Besides being the mid-point of the week and PeriGirls Leadership PowWow day,  this is a designated day that my oldest son cooks dinner. He definitely does not get his passion for cooking and experimenting in the kitchen from me, but I am definitely here for it and will assist…

Summer Memories

Summer Memories

Disclaimer: Summer Memories included some business travel where I connected with amazing brands. Some of the products featured in this article were received free of charge in exchange for me sharing them with my awesome community. At the beginning of this summer I declared that I was going to be intentional about disconnecting and enjoying…

Holiday Traditions

Holiday Traditions

Holiday traditions are big in my family. While they aren’t typically grand affairs, they are small, significant acts and events that we draw comfort, cheer and nostalgia from. Baking cookies together on Christmas Eve for Santa is one my youngest son implemented. Thanks to my friend Natasha of Houseful of Nicholes’ Annual #HousefulOfCookies we test…