I came across a blog recently that’s extremely positive and uplifting…right up my alley, right 🙂
Upward Not Inward focuses on God’s power in an effort to uplift and encourage. Each Friday, they do Fab Five Friday where they reflect on their previous week and post 5 things about it. Definitely a great way to put things into perspective each week.
As I sit on my couch with Law & Order re-runs playing in the background, my 4 year old son trying to sneak upstairs to my husband and evade his bedtime, my almost 10-month old daughter drooling on my shoulder as she finally succumbs to the sleep that’s been creeping up on her for the past hour…this is my life and I wouldn’t trade it for the world…hiccups and all!
This week I am grateful for:
A peace that surpasses all understanding – even mine at times. Things haven’t really been going the way I had anticipated them lately, but I have faith that all will work out the way it should.
This week I enjoyed:
My first networking night hosted by Divas With A Purpose and the company of 8 little ones all day Saturday (in addition to my 2 youngest – so 10 kiddos total!!!). I should get the Auntie / Big Cousin of the year award for that one 🙂
This week I learned:
Just how much patience I have as a result of having a mass slumber party for 10 kiddos all under the age of 10!
This week I accomplished:
Finally putting up the clothing I’d washed a couple of weeks ago. This is a no judgement zone, Divas!
I am looking forward to:
Getting some organization done this week and my oldest son’s 11th birthday this week!
Have a fantastic week, Divas!!!
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