Thankful Thursday: Thankful through the Storm

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” – Epictetus
Just as I started to type this blog post – the rain came down and our satellite has frozen.  My son nonchalantly turned off the television and ran to his room to grab some trucks and cars for him and his sister to play with.  He didn’t miss a beat. He didn’t complain that he was going to miss the ending to the television show (even though he’s probably seen it umpteen times). He just quickly and quietly moved on to the next thing.

Oh the turmoil and heartache we could save ourselves, if we could do the same with the many struggles we come across in our lives.  Accept it, switch to plan B and keep it moving.  I needed that gentle reminder after the past couple of days that I’ve had.  Lately it seems as though I’ve had one storm and struggle after another.  Today was a breaking a point, the tears came, the frustration boiled over and I had to have a moment.  Actually, I’m still having that moment.  But through it all – I’m still thankful.  No matter how bad things seem to be in one area – I still have so much to be thankful in others.
~my children are healthy and thriving
~I have a roof over my head and we have our basic necessities met
~I’ve got a full-tank of gas to prepare for my weekend trip tomorrow for my oldest friend’s bridal shower
~I’m surrounded by family and friends who love and care for my family and I
~through it all I still have joy – nothing and no one can take that way
What are you thankful for this week, Divas?
Blessings to you all!!!