Summer Cleaning Tips for Kids’ Rooms

My oldest son recently left for the summer. His absence is the perfect time for me to get into his room and do some serious summer cleaning! Anyone with a tween or teen can relate to this post.

Nope, this is not my kids’ room. I refuse to post before pictures of the madness. It really isn’t as bad as this picture – there’s just clutter and finding his “hiding” spots of treats and snacks he wasn’t supposed to have. (I feed my kid, I promise!)

My son is very cold-natured, so when summer comes around I’m able to finally confiscate his coats and jackets and give them a good cleaning before storing them until late fall.  I, also, take this time to go through his closets to sort his clothing into toss, store and keep piles.  His younger brother will get the majority of his clothing that are suitable for hand-me-downs.  My boys have different thoughts on fashion – so there are some items that I know my younger son most likely won’t wear.  Those items get donated.

My 5 year old loves to help, so I’ll usually give him the task of dusting and wiping down the base boards.

I switch out their black out curtains – I like to use a lighter color during the summer months.Blackouts are still a necessity but it gives the room a brighter feel when I use a lighter color.

While changing the curtains, I’ll open the windows and turn on the ceiling fan to air the room out some. I, also, sprinkle the carpets with baking soda and let it sit for about 30 minutes before vacuuming up.

I, also, clean out book bags and determine if I’ll need to purchase a new one for the following year. I prefer to pay a little more for a book bag that I know will last a few years.  Now that his school is going book-less, the longevity of book bags are increasing!

What summer cleaning rituals do you have in your home?

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