Making A Happy Home: Summer Bucket List

Hey Divas! Hard to believe that summer is almost over! I took some time this weekend to write out my summer bucket list just to make sure I don’t forget to do any of the things I wanted to accomplish this summer. This is my personal list of “selfish” to-dos. Those items that are often put aside or delegated to the bottom of the list of things to do.

Summer Bucket List

My list is pretty simple and I hope to accomplish most (if not all of them) by Labor Day weekend.

~ Get a pedicure – the works with the massage chair, warm oil – my feet are tingling just thinking about it!

~ Take another trip to the beach. The weather did not participate with us on our last trip so we need a re-do.

~ Take a trip to the flea market just because. I enjoy walking through and people watching. I’ll, also, pick up some fresh veggies and fruit while I’m there.

~ Go to the movies with my youngest son to see Turbo

~ Make ice cream sundaes at home

~ Solo weekend trip! I’ll be heading to Atlanta Labor Day weekend to connect with some divalicous bloggers and cannot wait!

There you have it. Pretty simple, huh? What’s on your list of things to do before summer ends?

[Tweet “Summer bucket list inspired by @Anna_Sandler What’s on your must do list? asks @Divatude”]

Many thanks to Random Handprints for inspiring this post.

Making A Happy Home