Renewable by Eileen Flanagan

I received an advanced copy of Renewable: One Woman’s Search for Simplicity, Faithfulness, and Hope by Eileen Flanagan to review and share with my readership here on Divas With A Purpose.

I’m one of those persons who always reads the back of the books and the reviews included. This quote from the Executive Director of Greenpeace International really stood out and piqued my interest the most:

…shows us how one person can change their life while working to change the world we all share.”

Renewable: One Woman's Search for Simplicity, Faithfulness, and Hope by Eileen Flanagan

At age forty-nine, Eileen Flanagan had an aching feeling that she wasn’t living up to her potential—or her youthful ideals. A former Peace Corps volunteer who’d once loved the simplicity of living in a mud hut in Botswana, she now had too many e-mails (can’t we all relate to that?!?) and a basement full of stuff she didn’t need. Increasingly worried about her children’s future on a warming planet, she felt unable to make a difference — until she joined a band of singing Quaker activists who helped her find her voice and her courage. Knowing her own Irish ancestors had survived famine, she returned alone to southern Africa, where scorching heat was already withering maize crops. Inspired by the people she met there, she came home ready to handcuff herself to the White House fence to challenge the corporate greed fueling climate change. Renewable: One Woman’s Search for Simplicity, Faithfulness, and Hope is the story of a spiritual writer and mother of two who reminds us that one person can change everything.

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The author shares her experiences with Freecycle – I had completely forgotten about this resource. The purpose?Giving away something that has no use in our life anymore to someone who could extend its usefulness a little longer. It is about giving gifts to people while clearing out our own clutter. As I move into April’s focus of Making A Happy Home – decluttering (a long-time challenge of mine) is high on my list and our local Freecycle site will be put to great use!

I love that Renewable shares how often in our moments of despair and discouragement our true passion can be ignited and set ablaze.

Congratulations to Eileen Flanagan on winning a Silver Nautilus Book Award for her memoir Renewable: One Woman’s Search for Simplicity, Faithfulness, and Hope. Recognizing “Better Books for a Better World,” Nautilus’ past winners include Desmond Tutu, Deepak Chopra, Barbara Kingsolver, and Brené Brown. This is actually the second time Eileen has been recognized by this award. Her 2009 book, The Wisdom to Know the Difference, also won a silver Nautilus.

About The Author Eileen Flanagan

Eileen Flanagan, Author of Renewable #DivaWithPurpose


Diva With A Purpose, Eileen Flanagan writes for a wide range of national publications and  speaks at conferences, colleges, and religious gatherings. A graduate of both Duke and Yale,  she is the author of the memoir Renewable: One Woman’s Search for Simplicity,  Faithfulness, and Hope. Her previous book, The Wisdom to Know the Difference: When to  Make a Change–and When to Let Go, was endorsed by the Dalai Lama and won the Silver  Nautilus Book Award. A leader of Earth Quaker Action Team, she lives in Philadelphia with  her husband and two children. Learn more about her work at



Global Team of 200 

I’m a proud member of the Global Team of 200, a highly specialized group of Mom Bloggers for  Social Good members who focus on maternal health, children, hunger, and women and girls.