Each year I choose one word to help guide my goals and action steps for the year. I first came across the idea for choosing a word for the year after reading Debbie Macomber’s Thursday’s at Eight where the characters meet weekly to help support and motivate one another during difficult transitions within their lives. Rather than resolutions for the year, they each choose one word to focus on, strengthen and embrace. I loved the idea and this will be the fifth year I’ve chosen a word rather than list out resolutions.
The first two years I chose the word gratitude, then it was focus and last year my word was support. I’ve mentioned before that choosing your word for the year can make a huge impact on your decisions, goals and action steps. For 2014 I wanted to focus on giving genuine support to others and on the vision of Divas With A Purpose being a site dedicated to supporting women in different aspects of their personal and professional lives. One key area I focused on was The Divatude Challenge (an annual challenge where participants focus on specific SMART Goals and support, motivate and inspire one another) in my local community. I was able to support a close-knit group of divas with achieving their individual goals for 2014 and we will be kicking off 2015’s challenge with a vision board party later this month.
For some their word is easy to decide on and others have to think and meditate awhile longer. Last year, I shared tips and suggestions to help with choosing your One Word – you can head here for those tips and a free printable.
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This year I went back and forth on what my word for the year would be. This is a year of transition and change in different areas of my life. At first I thought my word was going to be delegate because that is something that I truly need to get better at – however, it’s not what I need to be me overall focus for the year. While reading, the word intentional jumped out at me. This is a word that has been used in my circle of Divas With A Purpose quite frequently and I realized that my One Word 2015 had been in front of me all this time.
I want and need to be intentional with my goals and actions. I have allowed some “fluff” people, things and activities consume different areas of my life. I have laid out my 2015 goals, re-vamped The Divatude Challenge’s Interactive Journal and committed to creating monthly action items to ensure that I am intentional about the steps I take to attain the goals I have stepped.
wearethecarneys says
Love it! I chose DELIBERATE for my #oneword 2015. We are on the same page girl!
beingawordsmith says
Great word, Michelle! I chose PROSPERITY. Have a great new year!