Welcome to Day 8 of The Embracing Your Divatude 31 Day Challenge ! Today’s challenge is to learn something new.
If you are new to the challenge, you can catch up here.
Briefly, the month of May is dedicated to focusing on our Divatude – being driven, inspiring, victorious and called to action in our personal and professional lives. As women, different aspects of divatude impact our daily walk at all times. Our focus with this challenge is taking the time to reflect on our daily attitudes and actions and ensuring we are focusing on what will lift us and others around us up.
Commit to Learn Something New
Do you remember when you were a child and everything was new and exciting? The smallest bit of dirt or seeing a new flower color could keep you busy for an hour. Look at the children around you and see the wonder and curiosity that they live and learn with each day. Do you miss having that kind of approach to life? No matter your age, it is very possible to return to the place where you love to learn and experience new things.
Take a close look at your life right now. Are you satisfied with the things you know? Are you constantly expanding your understanding and your knowledge? If not, now is the time to begin.
Start by making a list of some things you would like to learn about or activities you would like to learn how to do.
Have you always wanted to learn a second language? Go to a local library and check out some books or audio tapes on starting to learn the language. Or perhaps you have always wanted to pick up a new hobby like golf or tennis. Sign up for a lesson and see what you can learn.
You will be amazed at the richness that is added to your life when you commit to learn new things. No matter how busy your schedule at home or at work is, there are ways to learn as you live. Do you spend a lot of time in the car? If so, get some educational books or materials on tapes or cds and start to learn something new when you are in the car. You can begin to love learning as you find easy ways to include it in your days.
When you learn to love learning your life will never be the same. Life will never be boring or dull regardless of your circumstance. Days will pass with the wonder and excitement that comes from learning something new and valuable.
Today’s challenge is to think about everything that you still want to learn. Choose one thing from the top of your “to learn” list and begin learning today. You will find that your list grows so that you will always be learning and never knowing enough.
Samantha Dube says
My list is long too and ever growing there’s so much to learn communication skills, dance, fitness, cooking. Lol this is different from the list I shared on Facebook.
Val B. says
My list of things to learn is long. Great post!