Keep Living! Keep Moving! Keep Being!
I can’t recall the exact scenario she used (I believe it was a clock) but each Friday she’d give us a pep talks regarding life trials. Her words have stuck with me through some rough patches. We’re either going through, coming out or about to go through SOMETHING in our lives.

There are times when I get frustrated because I’m not where I thought I’d be when I was all bright-eyed and new to the grown-up world. However, I’m a true believer that the experiences that we have, the people we encounter, the life we truly live – all that shapes us to be wonderful unique beings that we are. Life can get to us – but remember no matter what you encounter, life goes on and so should you!
Keep Living…Keep Moving and Keep Being the wonderfully, awesome person you are! You never know how your words, your actions, your life is making an impact on others around you.