“I am one blessed somebody”
Those are the words that I often say to myself. Sometimes it’s a gentle reminder. Sometimes it’s a forceful jolt into reality.
My faith plays a huge part in my daily thoughts and actions. I believe in God and am not ashamed or embarrassed to share that fact with someone. I don’t push my faith or beliefs on anyone, but they are a part of who I am. Accept it or don’t accept me fully.
“I am one blessed somebody”
There are days when there seems to be this dark cloud of doom and gloom over me and everything that could go wrong does. Christmas Eve, I totaled my car when a deer ran into me. I laughed when it happened. Seriously. It was at that moment when I had to ask God, “Really???” I felt like I couldn’t take any more – couldn’t lose anything else, couldn’t give anymore of myself. I. Was. Done. Ready to just curl up in a little ball and wait for someone else to be wife, mommy, worker, friend, sister, and whatever other role I was juggling.
“I am one blessed somebody”
In the still of the night after my accident, God whispered in my ear and reminded me that while I was experiencing the loss of my car and sore muscles and ruined presents – I was still here and He was still in control. It was time for me to fully let go and let Him have control. Since then, I’ve stopped worrying and shedding tears over “stuff”. I’m reminded daily that I am one blessed somebody.
This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post hosted by jana’s thinking place
It is 5 minutes of your time and a brain dump. If you’d like to try it…here are the rules:
~Set a timer and write for 5 minutes
~Write an intro if you’d like but don’t edit the post. No spellchecking. No proofreading. Just raw writing.
~Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. Your back door to your blog, if you’d like, but make it accessible.
~Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post
~Link up your post at jana’s thinking place
~Visit your fellow bloggers and show them some love
DaLynn McCoy says
Sometimes it takes us being knocked over a bit before we can hear the Lord’s voice speaking into an area of our lives. We are ALL blessed! Great post, thanks for linking up with Fellowship Friday!
Sandra @ Word (((HUGS))) says
YES! You are one blessed someone! Glad you’re doing better now and putting the accident behind you. Take care.
djrelat7 says
That is a great thought to have, I am One BLESSED someone! Thanks for sharing this with us!
Kalley C says
Yes, you are one blesses somebody. I think we all are. There are just times when we don’t pay attention and recognize it.
Congrats on the smooth move to WordPress. I was beginning to wonder what happened to you.
Michelle says
Thanks Kalley!!! It’s been a “fun” week with the transition…LOL
Gina says
This was peaceful to me. I ask “Really????” a lot. We are blessed every day our eyes open.
Michelle says
So true, Gina! So true!
Jamie@SouthMainMuse says
Amen. People die from collisions with deers. Some days are just bad ones but we have to remember — that could always be worse.