30 Day Gratitude Challenge
Making time to reflect and be grateful for all the wonderful things you have can be challenging. Especially when you’re busy is when you need this time! Whether you are preparing for a more grateful Thanksgiving, or you just want to take a moment to think about all the things you have to be grateful for, a challenge can help you do just that. So I put together a 30-day gratitude challenge to help us learn to be more grateful and show it every day for 30 days.
Let’s commit to 30 days of intentional gratitude. Feel free to bookmark this article, as I’ll be updating it throughout the challenge with links to livestreams, videos and blog posts to support you along the way.

30 Day Gratitude Challenge
Day 1
Start a gratitude journal and write something you’re grateful for each day.
Day 2
Make a list of 5 things you love about yourself.
Day 3
Send a thank-you card to someone.. Or surprise them with some happy mail.
Day 4
Compliment 3 people sincerely.
Day 5
Reflect on a difficult time you got through and what you learned.
Day 6
Pay a gratitude visit to somewhere or someone that shaped who you are.
Day 7
List 10 things that make you smile.
Day 8
Share something positive on social media.
Day 9
Write down 5 amazing things your body can do.
Day 10
Draw or paint something that represents gratitude to you.
Day 11
Make a gratitude playlist of songs that lift you up.
Day 12
Have an “attitude of gratitude” day where you find the positive in everything.
Day 13
Think of a skill you have and write down how you can use it to help others.
Day 14
Say “thank you” and smile at strangers you interact with.

Day 15
Write a thank you letter to your future self.
Day 16
Take pictures of things you are grateful for.
Day 17
Make a gratitude vision board or jar.
Day 18
Sit outside and make note of things in nature you are grateful for.
Day 19
Tell someone about a time they helped you.
Day 20
Start the process of forgiving someone who has hurt you.
Day 21
Compliment a stranger.
Day 22
Write down ways your challenges have made you stronger.
Day 23
Spend time with someone who supports you.
Day 24
Make a list of things that comfort you when you’re sad.
Day 25
Pray or meditate on all you have.
Day 26
Read poems or quotes about gratitude.
Day 27
Write yourself an encouraging letter.
Day 28
Clean out your closet and donate what you don’t need.
Day 29
Give hugs, smile and laugh more than usual.
Day 30
Read through your gratitude journal, and keep it handy for times when you feel less content.
I hope this challenge leaves you feeling more grateful and content.