Form Your Plan of Action

Welcome to Day  13 of our 31 Days of Embracing Your Divatude Challenge! Today’s challenge is to formulate a plan of action.  That to-do list you wrote yesterday – what are you going to do to ensure you can cross them all off in 364 days (yep…you’re already one day down!).

If you are new to the challenge, you can catch up here.

Briefly, the month of May is dedicated to focusing on our Divatude – being driven, inspiring, victorious and called to action in our personal and professional lives. As women, different aspects of divatude impact our daily walk at all times. Our focus with this challenge is taking the time to reflect on our daily attitudes and actions and ensuring we are focusing on what will lift us and others around us up.

31 Days of Embracing Your Divatude

When it comes to developing your own personal action plan, there are certain things you will need. Creating a plan for yourself is often a great way to reach goals and to develop skills you once thought were impossible. A plan makes everything seem less overwhelming and terrifying. It, also, allows you to be more focused on your tasks and goals when you create a timeline of sorts within your plan. Here are some things you will need to help you be successful:

Your Coach

First, unless you are a perfect self-motivator, you will need a coach! Coaching is one of the modern methods of creating improvement. In addition to helping you improve, a personal development coach can help you learn new things, reach goals, manage your life, change your life and become successful. Whether your plan is geared toward your personal life or your business life, a coach can be someone to trust. Someone who is always on your side!

A life coach absolutely not in your budget? Then find yourself a fantastic accountability partner. Someone who supports your goals, is able to keep you focused and on track and does not mind giving you a little push when necessary.


When you begin to draw out your personal development plan, you must have patience. Remember, you don’t want to overwhelm yourself. If you do begin to feel overwhelmed, you will likely give up. However, if you are careful with yourself and allow yourself time to adjust and perform, you will have a better chance of following through. Make short term and long term goals but be sure you stay realistic within your time frame. Sure, all dreams can be realized, if given enough time and energy.

Planning to Succeed begins with succeeding to plan!


Another thing your plan must have is flexibility. Your plan must be able to be reactive to things that will naturally occur as you begin to follow it. Your coach can help you with this aspect and can enable you to draw out your talents in a non-judgmental manner. As you go on your journey of self-fulfillment and self-discovery you will need to be aware that things will not likely go exactly according to your plan. Part of the process is to learn to adapt and grow!

Your plan of action is just that – YOURS. You understand your strengths, opportunities for growths and limitations – formulate specific steps to help you bring all your to-do’s to done!

Your Challenge Today: Write out a plan of action for at least one of your goals (to-do list items). What specific steps must you take to achieve them.

Time to reveal another item that will be in the Divatude Prize Pack for those that are participating in our giveaway this month. The Divatude Challenge: An Interactive Journal. Get your own copy of our interactive journal to help form and track your SMART goals for the next 12 months!

The Divatude Challenge Journal