Divas With Purpose 14-Day Challenge

Why a random 14 day challenge in the middle of the month? 

It hit me that I was getting slack. The passion and uumph had for DWP was waning because of outside distractions and setbacks. I’ve decided for 14 days I will do a something small, but significant to focus on being a woman of purpose and motivation. I encourage you to join in with me when you can.

Why only 14 days? I’m a realist. My ADD will kick in around day 7 so it will truly be a challenge for me stay focused, but after jotting down the things I want to focus on each day – I’m excited and motivated already!

I will be blogging each day on each challenge and updating the links below if anyone wants to bookmark this page to keep up with everything in one place.

Chime in below or on the Facebook page if you’re going to join in at any point.

Wish me luck, Divas!

Day 1: Write Personal Mission Statement

Day 2: Rather than criticize, coach. Motivate with positive feedback and influence.

Day 3: Do something nice for someone else – leave a soda money by the vending machine, pay for someone’s coffee, let that extra car turn during your morning or afternoon commute, etc

Day 4: Focus on the positive all day. No negative thoughts. (Warning – often when you make a conscious effort to be positive, it will seem as though anything and everything that can go wrong will – keep smiling and stay positive through it all).

Day 5: Connect with at least 4 other people and commit to motivating and inspiring one another for the next 5 days. It doesn’t have to be anything ornate – just a simple motivating text, email, Facebook post, etc.

Day 6: Have a selfish moment. Do something for yourself.

Day 7: Share lessons from your successes and failures with someone that can benefit from it.

Day 8: Spend the day listening more then speaking.  True listening – not anticipating what your response is going to be when others are finished speaking.

Day 9: Write a letter to someone who has inspired you and mail it.

Day 10: What’s your area of expertise? Offer to help someone that could benefit from it – no strings attached.

Day 11: Create a vision board.

Day 12: Reflect on where you want to be 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years from now. What do you need to do to get there. Act on it!

Day 13: Create a motto for yourself.  Write it down and post it where you’ll see it on a daily basis.

Day 14: Focus on your DIVATUDE. What drives you? What inspires you? In what ways are you victorious? What calls you to action?