Divas Day Out! We all need an opportunity to connect with fellow divas – to learn, grow, and encourage one another. Last weekend, Divas With A Purpose hosted our first Divas Day Out event in Columbia, South Carolina. It was a wonderful experience and many divas connected on a personal and professional level.
Many thanks to all of the divalicious businesses and women that came out to support Divas Day Out! Words cannot express how thankful I am to them all. From sweet treats, jewelry and accessories, wonderful authors and so much more! Many thanks to First Christian Church for the use of their facilities.
I have included some photos of the day in the slideshow below. I encourage you to connect and support the vendors who participated. There will be a giveaway posted next week sponsored by vendor, L’Naturals Jeweltique & Designs (get a head start by connecting with their Facebook page).
If you have not already connected with Divas With A Purpose’s Facebook page to stay up-to-date with upcoming events.
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