Dancing In The Rain

My husband thinks I’m on the verge of losing it most of the time but my kids think I’m the coolest mom ever most of the time. Why? Because I’ll do crazy things like eat dessert first on a random occasion or start singing silly songs and have tickle fests out of the blue.  I love to laugh and have a great time.  More so, when it seems like life is determined to make me crawl into a corner and just bawl my eyes out. The past few years have seemed to be a roller coaster of one mess after another. There have seriously been times when I’ve been scared to ask what next because I just new something else was on the horizon.  What’s helped me to keep my sanity? Laughter and having a good time at the most unexpected moments. When it seems like I’m about to just lose it, I find something – anything – to bring a smile to my face.  During the work day, it could be savoring a piece of chocolate from my “in case of emergency” stash or sneaking off to watch my kids play and just enjoy a carefree life at daycare.

My absolute favorite memory is dancing in the rain with my sons last year.  I’m sure some of the rain drops mixed in with my tears that soon turned to laughter as I saw the look of pure joy and the stresses and worries of my pregnancy at the time were forgotten for just a brief moment in time…

Please don’t think I don’t have my breaking moments – the tears do come, the anger or hurt or resentment does bubble over – but at the end of the day if I can’t change it I leave it to a higher power and focus my energies on what I can directly influence.
And at the end of the day, everyone knows….
Many thanks to everyone who stopped by yesterday from The SITS Girls – the love, support, kind words all brought a smile to my face and heart! As a blogger, it’s great to be shown love from other bloggers who know and appreciate the time and dedication you put into your little space on the web.  You divas rock and I look forward to sharing and growing with you all!!!