Creating Your Personal Place While Setting Goals

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Concordia University.

This is the time of year where many are reflecting on and assessing the goals they set to kick-start the year. We’re looking at what we did great, not so great and those “whew!” moments. For some this process is simple and for others not so much.

If you find yourself struggling with the “hows” and actionable steps to take to get where you know you’re supposed to be, I promise, you are not alone. Many of the women I work with on a regular basis know exactly what they want to do, but struggle with the necessary steps to get there.

Since my transition to being a full-time entrepreneur in 2015 one thing I have realized is that there are no concrete rules and guidelines. What works for me may not work for you. There is so much that goes into our individual levels of success, but one thing that is constant is the power of knowing who you are, what you bring to the table and why others should invest their time, money and/or energy into what you have to offer.

Creating Your Personal Place While Setting Goals

This year has been a year of learning and growth. I realize in order to be successful, I must constantly learning, growing and applying that knowledge to my personal and professional life. With the many hats I wear, I am on the go quite a bit. While I enjoy traveling for conferences and networking with others, there are times when I want to just be, absorb and apply the knowledge that I have taken in. I, also, love learning new things and I do so best at my own pace on my own terms – most times at my kitchen table with a good cup of coffee.

“When you come to a point in your life where you deem yourself successful,
you have discovered your personal place.”

The free email course I recently completed from Concordia University is perfect for new and struggling entrepreneurs that are looking for resources to help them gain clarity and become more focused as they set up their strategic plan for 2017 and beyond.

It is set to help you grow, connect and encourage you on your journey to self-discovery, goal-setting and discovering your personal place in the environments you operate in on a daily basis.

 Creating Your Personal Place While Setting Goals

[Tweet “Know your “WHY” but struggling with your “HOW”? Here’s a FREE resource to help #CUWSelfLead #ad”]

Concordia University’s free online course How to Create Your Personal Space explores:

  • why having a personal place is needed
  • how to teach yourself to professionally grow
  • the importance of connecting
  • how to succeed with encouragement

You can sign up here. Answers to questions you may have: YES, it’s really FREE! It takes about one week and 3-4 hours of your time to complete. You’ll receive access to essays, videos, interactive polls, and download journals to successfully complete the course and create your personal space as you set your 2017 (and beyond!) goals and action steps.

All content from this email course is taken from Concordia University Wisconsin’s 100% one-year Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership and Administration (OLA). An OLA is an alternative to an MBA and focuses on your personal growth and a leadership potential.