50 Ways to Create Happiness and Success

My entrepreneurial journey has taught me a lot about creating happiness and success – both in my personal and professional life. Entrepreneurs are a different breed, I’ve come to learn. We get to make up our own rules and guidelines for many areas of our life. However, many of us still live by rules that others made—ones that don’t work well and actually keep us from happiness and success. Whether you are an entrepreneur or not – it’s important to stretch out of our comfort zone and change habits that no longer work for us. I’m sharing fifty ways I have learned to replace old habits and mindset with a new way of thinking geared to propel me towards not only my goals but a happier, successful life.

These mind-hacks are not something you “should” do. They are not etched in stone. Some may work for you and others – not so much. That’s okay. Pick and choose, adapt them to your personality and goals. They are here for you to pick up and use, like instruments, so you can fine-tune your life and your business to create true happiness and success that enhances your overall well-being.

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50 mind hacks to create happiness and success for yourself ... starting today!

50 Ways to Create Happiness and Success

  1. Use Affirmations Effectively
  2. Change your Glass from half-empty to half-full
  3. Cut Toxic People Out of Your Life
  4. Reframe Negative Thoughts
  5. Avoid “All-or-Nothing” Thinking
  6. Avoid Catastrophizing
  7. Ask Yourself: “Will This Matter in Five Years?”
  8. Set a Limit on Worry Time
  9. Realize that Fear is Just Excitement
  10. Recognize that Feelings May Follow Actions—Not Precede Them
  11. See Failure as a Learning Opportunity
  12. Focus Outward: how can you help and support others?
  13. Find your Passion
  14. Realize that You are Already a Success
  15. Avoid Analysis Paralysis
  16. Beware of the Feedback Loop of asking too many people for opinions before moving forward
  17. Cultivate Self-awareness
  18. Learn to Develop Radar
  19. Be Secretly Organized
  20. Act on the Short Stuff
  21. Change your Environment
  22. Know your Triggers
  23. Reward yourself
  24. Upgrade your Office Space
  25. Set Ground Rules—for Yourself!
  26. Identify your Weak Points—and Plan Around them
  27. Break Tasks Down into Bite-sized Chunks
  28. Use Apps, Schedulers and Timers to Help Manage your Workload
  29. Learn to Delegate
  30. Plan for Outsourcing
  31. Honor your Learning Style
  32. Drastically Trim To-do Lists
  33. Walk Away from the Computer
  34. Drop the Hours-for-Dollars Business Model: How can you convert your knowledge into self-regenerating income
  35. Adopt a “Motto of the Month” that relates to your monthly goal / focus
  36. Be Grateful for the Small Things
  37. Ask Yourself What you Want to Remember About Today
  38. Hang Out with Positive People
  39. Learn to Like Yourself
  40. Ask Yourself Positive, Proactive Questions
  41. Understand Why You’re Still a Perfectionist
  42. Follow the WTWTCH Formula: What’s the worst that could happen?
  43. Stay Connected
  44. Use the Twenty-Minute Rule for Power Naps
  45. Lose the Word “Should”
  46. Drop Three Things per Day
  47. Narrow your Focus
  48. Nurture Your Relationships
  49. Listen
  50. Create More of What you Want