Celebrate Your Success

Welcome to Day 31 of our 31 Days of Embracing Your Divatude Challenge! You did it!!!! Today we are celebrating your success – whether you did some or all of the challenge!

If you are new to the challenge, you can catch up here.

Briefly, the month of May is dedicated to focusing on our Divatude – being driven, inspiring, victorious and called to action in our personal and professional lives. As women, different aspects of divatude impact our daily walk at all times. Our focus with this challenge is taking the time to reflect on our daily attitudes and actions and ensuring we are focusing on what will lift us and others around us up.

Embracing Your Divatude Challenge Recap

We’ve touched on this during the challenge, but it is so important to celebrate your successes in life. Often we try to downplay our accomplishments and not come across as cocky – but if we cannot celebrate and appreciate the strides we make in life, how can we expect others to do the same for us?

The challenges and activities that we have initiated this past month are only the beginning. Hopefully you will take them, build upon them and continue to focus on embracing your divatude personally and professionally.

you are one awesome diva

Support and encouragement are foundations of this challenge. As women, we often attempt to do everything ourselves and keep so much bottled inside.  Stop it! Learn to ask for and accept help when necessary and be willing to give a helping hand when you see others struggling – it may be as simple as a few nice words or a shoulder to lean on.

Celebrate Your Successes

The Embracing Your Divatude Challenge was put into place to help shape your outlook on your life, goals and overall attitude. We’ve all got the divatude inside us.  Being driven, inspiring, victorious and called to action – it’s something that we are all capable of doing. I believe in YOU!

Your challenge today is to celebrate your success – pat yourself on the back, toot your horn and Congratulations on finishing the 31 Days of Embracing Your Divatude Challenge!!!