Crashers by Lindy S Hudis

A modern day cautionary tale, Crashers is a true-to-life novel that uncovers how the innocent get lured into the scheme of “cappers” and “hammers.”
A riveting story of love and desperation, greed and redemption.
Crashers: A Tale of “Cappers” and “Hammers”
By Lindy S Hudis
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(from book’s website:
A chance encounter with a stranger in whom Shari confides her troubles proves fortuitous: he tells her of a get-rich-quick scheme that will put her and her fiancé on easy street. Seduced by the chance to move from hard times to good times in no time, Sheri takes the carrot offered her, and finds herself acting as a “stuffed passenger”—the “victim” in a staged auto accident. The act goes according to plan and Shari gets her payday, but getting out and breaking free of the insurance fraud underworld will take nothing short of a miracle.  
My Review:

I’m still trying to determine exactly how I feel about some of the main characters. You don’t really want to like them or relate to their actions (insurance fraud, endangering the lives of others, preying on the vulnerabilities of the weak and underprivileged, exploiting the rich just because they’re rich)but you can’t help but to somewhat understand why they made the choices that they made.
I didn’t really get drawn into the story line until about chapter 3 or 4, but once I did…I was hooked! I often say the testament of a great story line is one that has me wanting more after the last page. Crashers did that for me.Was I disappointed with the ending? Slightly. Surprised? Definitely. But as is life, not everything can be tied up with a pretty little bow and put back on the shelf. Crashers gives an inside look at fraudulent car accidents and makes you think twice when that car behind you gets a little too close for comfort.

I received this book to review through Moms With Voices Media, all the opinions above are 100% my own.