Balance Your Diet … Of Dreams

How many times have you had to catch up with your life? Running a half-step behind yet constantly on the go. Never fear, it happens to the most organized Divas. Why? Because time never stops. It doesn’t even slow down. Do you slow down? Do you eliminate tasks? What do you do? EVERYTHING.

The truth is, it is very difficult to lighten your load when you are genuinely passionate about all of your endeavors. It’s even more difficult to slow down in today’s 140 character boundary. Fortunately, you don’t have to slow down or remove a dream in order to lighten your load. Simply, move it around to balance it out.

Balance Your Diet ... Of Dreams

Balance Your Diet … Of Dreams

So often ambitious Divas are told they’re doing too much; usually by people who aren’t doing anything. I believe a more accurate statement is that ambitious Divas try to do too much at the same time. Instead of viewing your ‘plate’ as full and having to remove dreams or goals, manage it chronologically. Develop a start time for each goal and determine what would be an appropriate point to transition to the next goal. That point would ideally be when either the goal is accomplished, the dream is realized or enough progress has been made that less time and effort are required to maintain it.

The same way a consistent, balanced diet is more effective in weight loss than not eating at all, the same is true in achieving your goals and realizing your dreams. Remain consistent, maintain balance and re-balance as needed.