6 Ideas for Spending Quality Family Time

Spending time together as a family is an important goal of mine. Not just being together but true quality time. We eat together, carpool together, homework time, cleaning, the list goes on and on. That time seems to be focused on doing everything but really spending quality family time together.

 6 Ideas for Spending Quality Family Time


Spend the afternoon in the park. Play catch, tag, or have a family race around the track. Bring a picnic lunch and spread out a blanket to enjoy a family meal together.

Put together a scavenger hunt for around the house, yard and/or neighborhood. Depending on the size and make-up of your family, break up into teams and have a mini competition – boys versus girls; mother/sons versus father/daughters; etc.

Create a gratitude jar together. Make giving thanks a habit within your family – set aside a specific time to focus on sharing what each family member is thankful for.

Make a family recipe book and include pictures of the meals you’ve created together. This would make a great gift for extended family members.

Camp out in your family living room for a pajama party. Make a fort of bed sheets, play board games, karaoke, the list is endless. Have each family member create a dish for snacks for the night.

Talk with one another. Have meaningful conversations with one another. Make it a point to actively listen to what each other is saying.

What are your favorite ways to spend quality time with your family?

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Making A Happy HomeWelcome to our weekly Making a Happy Home post. One of my focuses this year is home life. Specifically spending more quality time together, organization, cooking and pre-planning meals, and decorating. To help with that focus, I have this weekly post for all things home-life. If you’d like to contribute as guest poster with this series, feel free to reach out to me.